New setup idea


Silver Member
Username: Killer44

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 764
Registered: Dec-04
so im getting my suv soon and im gunna run my cvrs off my a8002t for a while till i get some money together, but im gunna set it up so i can jsut take out thatstuff and install w/eim getting so im gunna run some 0awg rite now.. iwas looking @ this kit temZ120064080065QQihZ002QQcategoryZ79815QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
doesn neone know of enthing cheaper out there,i already got rcas and all that so that doesnt really matter but iwant the distroblocks in the im gunna run two mmats P3.0 12's ported to there specs
now im kinda up in the air as of what to power them with i was looking and the kx1200.1, the rockford t10001bd, and havnt really checked nething elseout...wanna keep it around 350-400 prob...but if u could help me out so i could start peicing it together i would greatly appreciate it...and ne comments on if this would be a good setup...and i got a yellowtop that i would transfer to my suv and i would be gettin a 200amp alt, big 3 ect...thanks

Silver Member
Username: Killer44

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 765
Registered: Dec-04

Silver Member
Username: Killer44

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 767
Registered: Dec-04

Silver Member
Username: Killer44

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 768
Registered: Dec-04
come on...bump lol

Silver Member
Username: Loudon

Post Number: 691
Registered: Jun-04
those are good subs killer ...

as far as amps that kx1200 can be had refurbed for cheap

the sx1250 is another option if u wanted to look kicker

the wiring kit is outstanding i use it in my car works like a charm

Silver Member
Username: Killer44

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 770
Registered: Dec-04
thanx mike yeah i was leaning towards a refurbed kx... i was alos looking at the sx, jsut want to get something around 1400@1ohm and not too one else got ne ideas or the amp? want to stay away from hifonics and lower end "budget amps" even thou i dont want to be spending thousands on an

Bronze Member
Username: Audiostud

Stillwater, OK USA

Post Number: 54
Registered: Oct-06
ed nine.1

Silver Member
Username: Killer44

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 771
Registered: Dec-04
what are those rated...i think i remember seing them listed @ 1200@1ohm? that right? if so would it be a better option then the kicker amps...? or does neone have ne other ideas jsut want to make sure i dont buy something right away then find something better a week later...

Silver Member
Username: Killer44

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 772
Registered: Dec-04
so all these amps ive been looking @ all say they recommend 4 awg kits, i have 4 awg rite now and was gunna upgrade to 0awg to run these amps, but now im thinking is it necessary?...should i stay with 4awg at switch out my agu fuse for an anl?...or maybe only go up to 2 awg?...will 0awg be pointless...?im only gunna be running 1400rms @ the most, depending on what amp i decide to get

Gold Member
Username: Juliob

Santo DomingoDominican Re...

Post Number: 3738
Registered: Dec-05
also, autotek MM1400.1D

Silver Member
Username: Killer44

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 773
Registered: Dec-04
thans juliob bump for the wire size...

Silver Member
Username: Dsmith07

LaGrange, NC US oF A

Post Number: 319
Registered: Jun-06
not sure if this is what your meaning about wire size but you just get a distribution block that converts your 0 to 4 to insert in the amp

Silver Member
Username: Killer44

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 774
Registered: Dec-04
i got a distro block for 0 to 4 awg already, what i meant is that all the sites selling these amps recommend 4awg kits to power them, i was thinking i would need 0awg is it going overboard...should i go with 2 awg, stick with the awg i got and switch the agu fuse for a highr anl fuse, or jsut go with the 0awg?...
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