Silver Member Username: GrebnereonPost Number: 169 Registered: Mar-06 | what can you do????set off car alarms, break stuff???etc. Do you like to harass people with your bass at stoplights? tell us your stories :D |
Gold Member Username: Crayola0Wisconsin Post Number: 1080 Registered: Jun-06 | what cant my system do... |
Gold Member Username: DrivingrecklessNear tampa, Florida United state... Post Number: 1716 Registered: Apr-06 | all of the i turned my sh!t on in my frins garage and his china was shaking inside his house and the it made a the walls shake u could feel it vibrating |
Gold Member Username: Troy81Tavernier, Fl Us Post Number: 1109 Registered: Mar-06 | ive knocked pictures off my next door neighbors wall, they came and b!tched at me haha |
Gold Member Username: Crayola0Wisconsin Post Number: 1083 Registered: Jun-06 | hey...whats that i smell drivin'...hmmm...smells like bullshit |
Gold Member Username: James1115Ct Post Number: 6578 Registered: Dec-04 | stop lying Dave! |
Gold Member Username: Cenus4, 2 0 Post Number: 2284 Registered: Jan-05 | well lest see, i rattled my neighbors windows, the one that lives a block away, made stuff fall off shelves in my house, set off a couple car alarms, broke my rear view mirror, not to bad for 2 15's sealed 600wrms total. |
Gold Member Username: Crayola0Wisconsin Post Number: 1088 Registered: Jun-06 | what setup do u have dustin and in waht car |
Gold Member Username: Cenus4, 2 0 Post Number: 2285 Registered: Jan-05 | 1994 jeep, with a RE12.1 amp and 2 15inch AA atlas's sealed 2.3cf each. |
Gold Member Username: James1115Ct Post Number: 6580 Registered: Dec-04 | he has atlas 15's![]() |
Gold Member Username: Cenus4, 2 0 Post Number: 2286 Registered: Jan-05 | "not only do they get loud but sound great at the same time." couldn't of said it better myself,LOL yes i love these atlas's, better sq than a w6, IMO, and plenty of spl for the amount of power im running. |
Bronze Member Username: CarbuddyChicago, Il Post Number: 37 Registered: Jul-06 | well my mom is not 1 to lie to me and she absoutly hates my stereo or any one for that fact she has said to me to turn it down from a block away cuz she can feel it and then told me the next day that a block is still to loud i got banned from bringing my car to high school auto shop because when my car is outside and i got the system going that from id say 30 yards they can hear me threw the brick walls ive set off car alarms and people do hate on me at the stop lights i dont knwo about falling stuff |
Gold Member Username: Safe_crackerChicago, IL US Post Number: 1538 Registered: Jan-06 | I am not an @sshole but once in a while you get them snotty old b!tches that couldn't hear themselves f@rting and sh!tting down there pantyhose but sure enough they can turn there heads 360degs to look at you when your stereo is at a 3 out of 60, lol. I'll key up one of those subsonic-type songs like "Get Low" and slowly turn it up. I had a lady where I could plainly see her mirrors vibrating, including her rearview, it was MAD! The b!tch grabbed a hold of her rear view so she could see me. She actually screatched her tires off the line, lol. Polo.. ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: LikeapumaWashington/Utah Post Number: 36 Registered: Aug-06 | Can anybody's system revive a dead hooker? -C |
Gold Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 5483 Registered: Oct-05 | man you guys are all rude. i listen to my sh!t at moderate volume unless i am alone on the road. then i might turn it up a knotch. |
Gold Member Username: Basshead86Google is your Friend, FL Post Number: 5928 Registered: Aug-05 | i am the same way. lol i don't want the attention. |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 9067 Registered: Jul-05 | what im wondering if these ppl who say their system can be heard a block away is playing clean music or just a ton of distortion anyway somehow my car is quitesoundproof is that u wont hear it much when all glass is up but if i open all doors its very easy 2 set off ppl's alarms parked next door or 2 3 buildings away with my CLEAN music & bassline ....... |
Gold Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 5491 Registered: Oct-05 | i like how you capitalized "CLEAN" there rovin. lol. |
Gold Member Username: Thomas_gNM Post Number: 1790 Registered: Oct-05 | lol CLEAN music, i am good at detecting distortion but out hear ppl hear me coming a good 3 roads down because i dont live in tha city, i live out here in da country......i can be rude, like i go bassin it down my roads like just a while ago i was goin down the road and playin bass mekanik and when i would pass a house, i see ppl lookin out there windows.....out here ppl dont really know bout sq to them if its loud its badazz.... |
Gold Member Username: Thomas_gNM Post Number: 1791 Registered: Oct-05 | o i like going to car washes(those old medal ones) and rattlin it like hell and scaring ppl on the other side.....i try not to attract to much attention though cuz i dont got my license.......sssshhhhh......keep it on tha DL plez....thanx...![]() |
Gold Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 5494 Registered: Oct-05 | polo vibrating the rearview mirror of the car in front of you is insane man. ima try that tomorow to see if i can do it. i can park behind my friend's car and bump it and see if it does it. |
Gold Member Username: Thomas_gNM Post Number: 1793 Registered: Oct-05 | lol hell ya^^^ too bad i cant do that YET ![]() |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 9069 Registered: Jul-05 | yep i cant stand hearing some ppl crappy quality 'music' going booooom crash booooooom lol & sad part is 2 them its 'thats sounding good boy' ......... |
Silver Member Username: ReefPost Number: 397 Registered: Oct-05 | I made my rear view mirror fall of and my side mirrors, i shake sh*t all the time in my house when i roll up, i like to turn it up real loud at stop lights every one looks haha i set of car alarms, i once turned it up loud at my house and went in my room and my speakers in my room was goin with the beat of my subs haha |
Gold Member Username: Thomas_gNM Post Number: 1798 Registered: Oct-05 | lol ya i agree Rovin 100% of my friends dont know where their highest volume can go with out distorting. I cant stand distortion either, my fav is LOUD, CLEAN, LOW extended bass notes.... |
Silver Member Username: KenwaPost Number: 261 Registered: May-04 | I knocked my rearview off the windshield, blew the seal on my back window, and also rattled something loose on my side mirrow so it would only face down. But the funniest thing is when you pull up at a light next to old people they will ALWAYS roll their windows up even if your music is at a lower volume. I swear they would do it even if they couldnt hear your music just b/c they know they hate what your listening to. |
Gold Member Username: Thomas_gNM Post Number: 1802 Registered: Oct-05 | LOL well lets really get into detail, i had to reglue that rubber black thing on top of my windshield cuz tha bass wuz pushing it off, something under my hood rattles when i play low bass, my doors flex a little bit, my change and stuff in the built in change holder on the dash bounces, the stuff in my center rattle like hell and the center cover moves, my loose knob to turn on the air conditioner moves in and out, a coke in the cup holder spins and shakes slowly and you could see the sound waves in a bottle filled with a liquid, my visors move up and down a little bit, if i have my window rolled down about half wayz i see it move, when i put something to the very front on my windshield it falls off with the vibrations and you can see only the top of my windshield flex a little bit, i went to the store the other day and i left my car on and my stereo full blast and my friend was in the car i was rattling something in the store, i can rattle old metal trucks at stop lights, i can set of car alarms, and i swear to god when i went into a parking lot to this old small store i saw the window flexin a lil bit, but i think it was because the window wuz thin loose and old, i can rattle small stores, and at the family dollor store when i was parked on the side my friend said i through a pillow off the wall lol, i can put a paper towel on my window about 1/4 the way down and do a trick with it where it moves like crazy(like a hair trick just easier), i can flex a van roof if i put them in one, and in an old hatchback medal car i can literally see the trunk and doors moving out a little bit, im sure most systems on here can do all this but im just bored and no one is on so there you go all with 2 cvrs, gr8st spl buy for the money....![]() |
Silver Member Username: BernymacRialto, CA United States Post Number: 198 Registered: Sep-04 | I like to pull up to people and make them roll up their windows. Then I like to mess around with camera setups at jack in the box and I also like to set off car alarms in a plaza that I often visit. Record is like 5-10 car alarms in the same plaza, at the same time. It's funny because no one there does audio and I'm like the only one that drives in that plaza bangin all the time. =), its always fun. But with my new setup, I wonder how many I can set off this time ahee. |
Silver Member Username: 420alldaylongPost Number: 186 Registered: Sep-06 | bernyMAC Watch out my friend got a $98 ticket NOSIE VIOLTION doing the same thing you were. |
Silver Member Username: RideredderCornell, IL USA Post Number: 489 Registered: Sep-05 | Jaymes: "what cant my system do..." I thought you didn't even have a system. |
Silver Member Username: BernymacRialto, CA United States Post Number: 202 Registered: Sep-04 | HAHA yeah Joey, the funny thing is, the security guards just look at me and don't do sh!t. And this isn't your regular plaza. Its like a two story one long building asian plaza without the grocery store and more for resturants and some arcade and pictures type of place. And I never see a cop around. |
Gold Member Username: Crayola0Wisconsin Post Number: 1090 Registered: Jun-06 | i u consider two home stereo cabinets with 15's in them hooked up to the deck gettin about 18 watts each a |
Gold Member Username: Crayola0Wisconsin Post Number: 1091 Registered: Jun-06 | do u think i could set of car alarms with a dd2515 in a ported box? |
Gold Member Username: Crayola0Wisconsin Post Number: 1092 Registered: Jun-06 | i just want a system that can set off car alarms with out spendin can i do this? |
Gold Member Username: Crayola0Wisconsin Post Number: 1093 Registered: Jun-06 | can anyone help me at all? |
Gold Member Username: Cenus4, 2 0 Post Number: 2289 Registered: Jan-05 | im pretty sure a 2515 can set off car alarms in the right box, but if you want cheaper go with a cvr or cvx 15 in a nice ported box with rec. rms i sure they would set some off. |
Gold Member Username: Thomas_gNM Post Number: 1804 Registered: Oct-05 | Dude for real James u could, i remember when i only had 1 12" cvr and i set a couple off.... |
Gold Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 2449 Registered: Jun-05 | lol 1 time i was garbbing some cash at the bank i just parked right outside in the fire lane cause it was 1100 at night and know one was around then i turned it down like 3/4 of the way or less i went inside and could hear it then i was about to get in my car when a cop pulled up and was like next time you go in there park in a regular spot and dont leave your car running i was like okay. I was waiting a couple of seconds for him to roll away but he stayed so i opened up my door and then he heard the nice blast of music coming out oh and by the way i was testing a cd i made for my gf and guess what sonf i was playing the thing song lol he just looked ta me and rolled away i was omg that was some stupid sh!t |
Gold Member Username: Cenus4, 2 0 Post Number: 2291 Registered: Jan-05 | ^LOL that reminds of this one time my brother was playing the "bad boy" song while we were crusing and we seen a bunch of cops satnding on the corner, so what does my bro do he turns it up all the way, LOL when we went past all the cops were starring at us, i thought they were gonna pull us over but they didn't. |
Gold Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 2453 Registered: Jun-05 | ya i was waiting for the cop to say something or give me a ticket it was def loud he had to be laughing on the inside though i mean the th#ng song lol |
Silver Member Username: AstrosafariDelhi, Ontario Canada Post Number: 574 Registered: Aug-05 | i can vibrate my house windows, and i can get the roof of my van shakin, an make my cracked windsheild flex like mad. with sealed 15" clarion @ 600 watts rms |
Bronze Member Username: Bayrent88Ingleside, Texas USA Post Number: 20 Registered: Jul-06 | i can get a ticket!!!!!!! i was crusin around today...and then i got pulled over. the cop said there is a vibration ordence in my city. he said if he can feel vibration from my stereo then is breaking the law. he was following me for like a block before i even noticed he was behind me....i only got a warning tho. |
Gold Member Username: Sploosh56Ohio Post Number: 1491 Registered: May-04 | my friends 3 12" JL W0's can make the rear view mirror in other vehicles vibrate. I installed a 15" Niche Audio Competition sub in a lumina with about 800 watts and it makes kids who arn't used to bass feel like they are going to get sick and some do. One of my buddies drove thorugh downtown Toledo and set off numerous car alarms with a pair of 12" American Bass XXL subs and about 1600 rms. Pair of 12" Kicker L7's in a large ported box make it difficult to breathe in the vehicle, light a lighter, and make your hair stand on end. And the grand finale I supposed is my dad's boss's kid had a system back in high school and his trunk caught on fire do to the amps overheating. And it wasn't jsut some little blow it out fire it was a HEY call the fire department it's outta control! That is why you should always use fuses and not breakers in any automotive instalation. |
Silver Member Username: Tremor1127Post Number: 166 Registered: Aug-06 | setting off car alarms is easy, dont take much at all... |
Silver Member Username: Freezeman_7Post Number: 186 Registered: May-06 | ive actually rattled my componet loose in one of my doors and the crossvoer in another. has shaken loose... and i also dont have a rearvier mirror.. and tahts with 2 RE 12 re's with 325 wrms. 175 each. insanly loud. |
Platinum Member Username: GlasswolfWisteria, Lane USA Post Number: 11614 Registered: Dec-03 | my sub is not only so loud it blows womens' clothes off, it makes them take their clothes off willingly! haha actually my single 15" now is set up purely for SQ, but with an XBL^2 motor and 45mm of xmax, on 1500WRMS, it can still move some serious air. That said, when I ran the two 12" cerwins in the festiva on the orion 280GX (160WRMS per sub) at the shop, from about 30' I was kocking the framed certificates and such off of the walls of the tune&lube shop next door where a friend of mine worked. They used to send her over to complain, and she'd laugh. Same car could play the heartbeat at the beginning of Breathe/Eclipse on pink floyd's DSotM CD, or track 7 on KLF's white room, and you'd hear nothing at all.. you could even talk at normal volume, but with the system turned to about 5/8 volume, you'd start to feel sick, everything would blur, and the steering wheel would start to vibrate about 2" up and down on the column from the bass. That was a fun demonstration to do. Generally however I don't condone pissing off other people with audio systems. Folks who do are the ones causing laws to be passed that give the rest of the community a bad reputation and enforce noise ordinances and restrictive laws on audio systems. |
Gold Member Username: Dustin3Tigard, OR U.S. Post Number: 3453 Registered: Oct-05 | with ur 2 12 inch vega's glss? |
Silver Member Username: DrsmithMontana USA Post Number: 609 Registered: Nov-04 | kill people.... |
Platinum Member Username: GlasswolfWisteria, Lane USA Post Number: 11616 Registered: Dec-03 | yeah LE12D cerwin-vegas, ported, on the orion 280gx. |
Gold Member Username: InvainMichigan United States Post Number: 4149 Registered: Aug-04 | Ha. Wolf. What the hell are you running now? A BetterAudio Statement? I haven't been around for so long I didn't even know you got rid of your XXX. |
Gold Member Username: Basshead86Google is your Friend, FL Post Number: 5969 Registered: Aug-05 | i had a thread on it.....had pics too.![]() GW wasn't around to give me anymore info on it *hint hint* ![]() |
New member Username: JokerjrUSA Post Number: 4 Registered: Jul-04 | well let me see i can set off car alarms np. i can shake houses but i have to say best thing was when i was setting at a stop light like 20 cars back from the light bumping it up and a cop out of no where came up to my truck and told me my system needed turned down or else he was going to give me a ticket for it becasue he was setting in the front of the line at the light and i was shaking his car.i thought that was funny |
Gold Member Username: Kd7nfrMontpelier, ID United States Post Number: 1688 Registered: Apr-05 | I'm usually pretty nice about my systems. But with the Jeep, I'd pull up with it barely up and get nasty looks or someone would pull up with theirs distorting and whatnot. So I figure if you want me to hear yours, you can stand a bit of mine... It was fun to slowly turn it up and watch everyone start to turn and look. Then I'd let the windows down and really kick it up. Those 18" Pros would move some seriouse air. But for the most part I keep it down. 99.9% of all people don't like it, and I don't like hearing it either. |
Gold Member Username: Alias747MN Post Number: 1319 Registered: Apr-05 | 2 18" Ti Pros have just got to POUND! I can't even imagine!! You should post some pics of those beasts I want to see them! |
Gold Member Username: Kd7nfrMontpelier, ID United States Post Number: 1692 Registered: Apr-05 | I sold it to a local audio shop and all my pictures are on paper. I'm trying to get them to send me some digitals, but it's like pulling teeth. I drove it about a week ago and took pictures with my phone, but it's a new phone and I didn't know you have to push "Save" after you take it. SOOOOO... But once I get some, I'll get them on the net for people to check out. |
Gold Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 2492 Registered: Jun-05 | jake havent seen you i while what u thinking of getting |