Silver Member Username: Aman2005Post Number: 150 Registered: May-06 | I've uploaded this pic on the thread we were talking. But don't know why on the main page its not showing. anyways, Please look up at the sketch of the enclosure and tell me if any alteration needed. Also, I have bought a Hifonics Brutus 1000d amp for powering my two Type R's 10" 4 ohm DVC. Will that amp be able to pound the subs? Also, after installing dynamat or any other noise deadning material in trunk, will the bass be able to surround outside the car? I need a killer system by which I can be recognised and people can know that AMAN'S CAR IS COMING LOL |
Silver Member Username: StnorrisEldridge, IA US Post Number: 375 Registered: Apr-06 | if you use sound deadning material all over the trunk lid, it will still be loud outside of the car. i used edead all over my trunk lid, and you can hear my subs inside a house, at volume 7 on my HU. and the subs are loudest at volume 15. |
Silver Member Username: Aman2005Post Number: 151 Registered: May-06 | ![]() |
Silver Member Username: StnorrisEldridge, IA US Post Number: 377 Registered: Apr-06 | that amp should be close to perfect for those subs. i cant tell you anything about the box though. are those holes for like a bandpass, or is it sealed or what? |
Silver Member Username: Aman2005Post Number: 152 Registered: May-06 | That holes are for port |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 8157 Registered: Jul-05 | box is waaaaaaaaaay to short cause 25" - 20" of ur sub leaves only 5" y did u make it soooooo deep ? Been proven on some thread on ecoustics a while ago that Hif amp actually do about 75% of advertsied power & a type R can easily handle 600wrms each so i'd prolly get the 1905D model instead u can use a 3" pipe port & put both pipes @ the same level not 1 up 1 down ...... |
Silver Member Username: Aman2005Post Number: 153 Registered: May-06 | well rovin, that meaurements are give on alpine canada webpage. I've just doubled the width. Any suggestions? Can you recomend me the measures? Also, Is that absolutely true for the hifonics? Then why they are very popular on these forums?/ |
Silver Member Username: LexuscoopPheonix, Arizona USA Post Number: 824 Registered: May-06 | i'd go like 28w 13h 12d but idk what that could calculate to... |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 8159 Registered: Jul-05 | 4get wat measurements they give u - ur going by BOX VOLUME so ur still doing it right yep its true on Hif amps - when ppl read this thread they will back me up , its a good econo amp so thats y im about 2 go work on my own box - so talk 2 me ASAP fast ...... |
Silver Member Username: Aman2005Post Number: 154 Registered: May-06 | hmmm.. they seem to be for both subs, right? |
Silver Member Username: Aman2005Post Number: 155 Registered: May-06 | rovin, i found the measurements they suggested are occupying the same volume i.e. 1.3CUFT. IF they are not correct, please suggest me the measurements to make an enclosure Hope to get measurements from you |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 8160 Registered: Jul-05 | other option on the 12v site - just calculate as if ur doing 1 box but build 2 boxes like what i did . It makes lifting it in/out alot easier . im leaving now - back later 2 nite .... |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 8161 Registered: Jul-05 | oh & each sub MUST occupy its own volume space , im outta here now ....... |
Silver Member Username: Aman2005Post Number: 156 Registered: May-06 | rovin, i found the measurements they suggested are occupying the same volume i.e. 1.3CUFT. IF they are not correct, please suggest me the measurements to make an enclosure Hope to get measurements from you |
Silver Member Username: LexuscoopPheonix, Arizona USA Post Number: 825 Registered: May-06 | look up the type R secs on alpines site, and go from there, calculate and build your box to those spesification. make sure its alpines site, not canada's alpine site |
Silver Member Username: Aman2005Post Number: 157 Registered: May-06 | shaine, I've checked the owner's manual of Type R SWR 1042D, those specs are also stated there for the vented box. What Should I DO?? |
Silver Member Username: LexuscoopPheonix, Arizona USA Post Number: 829 Registered: May-06 | well seeing that usually the ported boxes are usually bigger i'd say something along the lines of 1.5^3 feet each box, which should be around 2592 cubic inches for each woofer 1728=1 cubic foot |
Silver Member Username: Aman2005Post Number: 158 Registered: May-06 | sorry couldnt get u shaine |
Silver Member Username: LexuscoopPheonix, Arizona USA Post Number: 831 Registered: May-06 | make a box look how ever you want it just make sure each box is 2592 cubic inches, that should be the optimal size for a ported box. so each box should make about 12 14 15 about, that should be a good size box for each woofer |
Silver Member Username: Aman2005Post Number: 159 Registered: May-06 | You mean i've to decrease the depth. wWell thanks. Will this enclosure, if tunes at 33 hz, be able to pound the subwoofers very hard?? |
Silver Member Username: LexuscoopPheonix, Arizona USA Post Number: 833 Registered: May-06 | yea, just use the dementions i gave you, FOR THE INSIDE OF THE BOX, so add .75 inches where nesisary, and for the 15inch par, double it and make it 30 |
Silver Member Username: Aman2005Post Number: 160 Registered: May-06 | Why should the depth be doubled? If the diemensions are as w x h x d, the 15 is depth. |
Silver Member Username: LexuscoopPheonix, Arizona USA Post Number: 835 Registered: May-06 | 15 is the width, like how long it is, any way you do it, just put the woofers on the 30inch part lol the demtntions should be 31.5w 13.5d 15.5 high |
Silver Member Username: Aman2005Post Number: 161 Registered: May-06 | Shaine what about this amp Hifonics Brutus 1000D, will it be able to power the two type r 4 ohm DVC subs properly? As Rovin again made me start from begining for searching an amp. |
Silver Member Username: LexuscoopPheonix, Arizona USA Post Number: 836 Registered: May-06 | well since they are deul 4 they can be wired to 1 ohm, and if that amp puts out 1kwatts at 1 ohm that should be perfect for them |
Silver Member Username: Aman2005Post Number: 162 Registered: May-06 | That what I am asking shaine. Rovin said that they ony produce 75% of advertised power. Is that true? Should I got for another amp? |
Silver Member Username: LexuscoopPheonix, Arizona USA Post Number: 837 Registered: May-06 | get another amp, look on ebay something that 1000-1200 watts at 1 ohm |
Silver Member Username: Aman2005Post Number: 163 Registered: May-06 | I am unable, I need an amp in between $315 shipped. Can you please find one for me?? I will really appreciate your help. |
Silver Member Username: LexuscoopPheonix, Arizona USA Post Number: 841 Registered: May-06 | bump |
Silver Member Username: Aman2005Post Number: 164 Registered: May-06 | I was unable, I need an amp in between $315 shipped. Can you please find one for me?? I will really appreciate your help. |
Silver Member Username: LexuscoopPheonix, Arizona USA Post Number: 843 Registered: May-06 | 200+watt+amp&sacat=-1%26catref%3DC6&bs=Search&fsop=1%26fsoo%3D1&coaction=compare &copagenum=1&coentrypage=search&fgtp=&sargn=-1%26saslc%3D2&sadis=200&fpos=85379& ftrt=1&ftrv=1&saprclo=&saprchi= theres alot of amps there, idk what you'd want so just look there |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 8163 Registered: Jul-05 | 1.3cuft each is correct for 10" type R - i have my spec sheet here when i bought my Rs mths ago use - & input according 2 ur space - if a typical box 4 whatever sub requires measurements example 10/15/20 (Height/depth/length) & u need a single box holding both subs then its gonna be 10/15/40 with a separating board in the middle whats so hard 2 figure out !?..... |
Silver Member Username: Aman2005Post Number: 165 Registered: May-06 | What about Alpine MRD1005 amp? Will it be able to produce 1000 watt for powering the type r properly??? |
Silver Member Username: LexuscoopPheonix, Arizona USA Post Number: 862 Registered: May-06 | isn't the RMS on the R's 600? if so that amp will be fine |
Silver Member Username: GangstaplayerGangstaville chicago Post Number: 147 Registered: Mar-06 | im puttin 1500 into both of mine and they take it just fine just set your gain right |
Silver Member Username: LexuscoopPheonix, Arizona USA Post Number: 879 Registered: May-06 | your saposed to match your gain with the preamp on your HU... i learned that a few weeks ago LOL!! |
Silver Member Username: GangstaplayerGangstaville chicago Post Number: 152 Registered: Mar-06 | i know thats what im saying mines only 2V ....stupid huh |
Silver Member Username: LexuscoopPheonix, Arizona USA Post Number: 881 Registered: May-06 | lol... thats cute LOL mine is 6v LOL |
Silver Member Username: Aman2005Post Number: 190 Registered: May-06 | will hifonics 1500D do that job? |
Silver Member Username: LexuscoopPheonix, Arizona USA Post Number: 882 Registered: May-06 | whats the RMS on it? |
Silver Member Username: Aman2005Post Number: 191 Registered: May-06 | 1 x 500 Watts @ 4 Ohms 1 x 1000 Watts @ 2 Ohms 1 x 1500 Watts @ 1 Ohms I know that these RMS will do. If we consider the 75% thing, it will still do, but want to know that whether its a reliable amp and can it used for a long period without any problems or not? |
Silver Member Username: LexuscoopPheonix, Arizona USA Post Number: 887 Registered: May-06 | thats ok, make sure to set yoru gain properly and have the right power wires for it |
Silver Member Username: Aman2005Post Number: 192 Registered: May-06 | which gauge 2 or 4? |
Silver Member Username: LexuscoopPheonix, Arizona USA Post Number: 888 Registered: May-06 | i'd go 2 to be on the safe side... but 4 would be fine |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 8165 Registered: Jul-05 | get the Hifonics 1605D use thie power wire guide .... |