so i just received my speakers and notice that there isn't much to adjust with the crossover at all. only thing i have to deal with is tweater level plug. so where should i set these? low medium or uh high.
i'll have to take it to an installer cuz i don't have a garage and none of my friends have garage cuz we're all college kids living in apartments... *sigh* so what did those 3 settings do with you guys when you experimented? i'd like to just set it with my best educated guess and hand it to the installer.
See, it depends on the tweet locations. Nobody can say that setting x is the best. Just select any setting and see how it sounds, then go from there. Owners manual should be a great help for you as well.
see, i really do need an answer tho cuz i hooked it up & tweaked around with it in my room yesterday and i couldn't tell a squeek of a difference. and tweaking it after it's been mounted is not an option since i'm taking it to an installer... cuz i don't have a garage.
Why can't you tweak it after it's installed? Sure you can, just don't short anything out Plus if you can't tell the difference, it doesn't matter anyway, just flip a coin
well the crossover's gonna be placed in the doors for sure and i'm not sure that i should take them apart in the middle of the public parking lot in a downtown where about 20 hobos will be watching me from every corner of garbage cans.
ok, i think i might have a reason why i coulnd't tell the differnce with the crossover settings. because it's a fake! a dls replica that i bought from ebay a little too cheap. please read my FAKE DLS IRIDIUM? thread for more.