Hey guys. My friend just picked up some 5.25" Zapco components for $180 at a local shop. I can't find much on them on the internet, but he's wondering if he got a good deal. They're the I-Force series (something like I-5.2). Thanks fellas.
Zapcko can be related to JL there a local shop where i live thats real big on Zapco amps and Zapco components and the Zapco amps are very good there one of the few amps that actually push out what the wattage says it does.
I'll grab a couple shots of the components. They seem really well built, and we installed them today. They're really clean, loud, and handle quit a bit of power. Great for a simple setup (RF P3s or something), but not nearly loud enough for the larger systems (like mine).
Posted on
what components do you run jake? and ur subs are ti pros arent they?