I recently purchased an Infinity Kappa 12.1 DVC (4 Ohms X 2). My current amp is a Profile 740 4 channel. I can bridge 4 to 2 channels to get 180W X 2 Channels @ 4 Ohms. The amp is required to run at no less than 4 Ohms. Would it be wise to simply run one channel to one coil, and the other channel to the other coil? That way I stay at the required 4 Ohms as described in the owners manual. At this point there is no chance of overpowering the sub, it has a 350W RMS. Chances are I will be incorporating another 10" DVC, but I will cross that bridge at a later date.
that will be fine. yes, you would be running 180 watts into one vc and 180 into the second. no problem. The dynamic fields of each coil are the same. They generate one single force equal to the sum of the two individual forces which,pushes against the magnet's static field. again, no problem. the only potential problem i recognize is in your amp. i doubt it achieves its rated rms.
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well i don't need to achieve rated rms, it's the max. the range is 75-350W so I don't have any concerns about that. Thank you for your help!
your amp will only reach its max power man at 100% THD. I completly agree with Mike. That amp will never achieve even its RMS (root mean squared) power let alone anywhere near what it claims for max power.