wondering if the alpine x are overrated. the 10" woofers say they put out about 1000watt RMS. any clue if they are close to that? I know they don't do 1000 rms, but are they dicent? they go for about $300 each. I have alpine deck, speakers, cap, and amp, but I have 2 RF He2's, so i would like to have all alpine. Thanks in Advance.
the dont put out anything... they handle 1000w rms... lol.. the amp puts out power... the sub puts out sound, and id say a type x can definetly hande what its rated for
They'd definately be an upgrade from those HE2s, the main reason people dub them as overrated is because of performance for the price. Kind of like JL is "overrated" because of it's price, but it is good equipment. In the $300 range it isn't a bad sub by any means, but I personally would choose an ID Max.