YEA, i was wondering what they meant when they say recomended tune freq. for example the recomended tune feq for one of my subs is 34hz does this mean that all frequencies above this i should filter????
filter all freqencies below it. Is this for a ported box?
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how am i supposed to do that i thought that amps filter out all frequencies above a given set numerical value, actually i am positive of this ??????? and yes it is in a sealed box in its recomended enclosure size??? but how am i supposed to filter out all frequencies below this????
Tuning your sub to 34Hz most likely is the recomended frequency for when your sub is in a ported box. If your running it in a sealed box then just set your crossover at 80hz and you will be fine. Just a side note the port length and size controls the frequency of your enclosure and what its tuned too.