Please help !!!!


New member
Username: Rabid_hornet

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-10
Ok heres the deal, first off, just to set the stage here , I have installed Hundreds of radios and have never had this happen till today and its happened twice today.... I replaced the stock radio out of a 95 jeep cherokee with an aftermarket sony system I went to test the cd player and it works fine, however when i go to play the radio it just searches for a station as if i dont have any antenna conected , which i do , so i grabbed another head unit installed it and the exact same issue , so then i put the stock unit back in to see if the antenna works on that unit and it works fine , so what gives ?? i have every wire connected correctly and the antenna is plugged in ...please help me this 20 minute job has turned ibnto an all day production ....... thank you

OH PS ........ by the way i dont even get any static sound through the speakers when i have the radio on it just searches and searches like i said and the cd player works fine and sounds great....

Gold Member
Username: Delsole

Post Number: 1469
Registered: Feb-05
Maybe you need a different connector for the aftermarket radio's. Also maybe theres a crappy ground.
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