lol its was funny... i had my system up going around the square and i didnt know it but i had 3 cops behind me. i turned it down when i saw them but in the process i crossed the center line twice. i hurried and turned and he pulled me over. he called in on the scanner and said improper lane usage and system. lol. then i couldnt find my d*mn insurance card. in the process of looking through my glove box i found a sh*tload of 2004 insurance cards and a pack of mexican cigarretes! but anyway i got off with a verbal warning and i have to take my insurance card in to the police station tomorrow.
Well you're actually pretty lucky, where I'm from you would have definitely got a ticket! They probably would have asked to search your car too, for some reason they think that everybody with a "system" is some kinda dope boy/drug dealer!
yea i have a friend who was pulled by teh cops and they cut up his old school kicker XPLs and when they found nothing they didnt even apologize or try to be responsible for it
Yea, that happens around here! Most of the time around here, if you get pulled for a noise "ordiance?", they just make you un-hook everything in front of them!
yea my town is small so the cops dont have anything better to do than mess with people for stupid stuff...luckily i knoew most of the cops from working at subway and have connections all over lol.
Here they dont mess around. or maybe it was just me. I got pulled with no proof of insurance and they impounded the car. $300 some odd dollar ticket plus another $300 to get the car out. Happened twice. Once I had insurance just no proof. Second time I really didnt have any insurance.
the first time i got pulled ova was just plain wrong.....
okay i went to my freinds house over mayfield....the police were there it wa 3 of them by the basketball courts.....i had stoped at his house he didnt answer his phone but in the meantime 2 ppl wereing black popped out of nowhere....n were walkin towards me.....didnt know them nore did they seem i got in the car (wont scared just had no reason to stay n find out) so i get in the car n go by the courts again.....a truck was all up on my a$s.....just a week b4 i was chased to mayfield when i was going to see my i was tempted to loose whoever it was again the only reason i didnt was cuz there was 2 police @ the corner again,......all a sudden the blue lights came on.......
they said that my tags werent coming through.....n then....they didnt belive tha car was mine....then eventually said that i got in my car when 2 officers were walkin down the road.....
they just stopped me cuz they have never seen a car like mine b4 with 20's on it a young black man drivin..... so i must sell drugs to get sumthing like that..... i guess thats only way young black ppl can get stuff....
You are extremely lucky because where I am from they don't even have to pull you over or even catch you in the act to give you a ticket. Between my brother an I we have has over 5 tickets sent to our house. Each one becomes more expensive. The first was $160 and the second was $235 and kept climbing. Any person can call or fill out a complaint with police and they will send you the ticket in the mail. This is BS in my mind. Wow what luck you have. No verbal warnings either.
No, Pioneer Premier recamends 1.65 cu. ft. ported enclosure. These series of subs can use a smaller enclosure and produce lots of sound. My box was designed and built around these subs. Port size and volume is extremely close to pioneer Premier's specs. .04 cu.ft. off
Thank you captain OBVIOUS!!! My box IS larger than specs. I said these subs COULD be used in a smaller volume enclosure if needed. Smaller than 2.5 cu.ft that is.