if you want one brand new fomr the factory your out of luck. they stoped producing them. i have an avalanche 15. its a great sounding sub and loud too. mine however has some problem i cant get to the bottom of but dont let it fool you. im the only one ive ever heard of having this problem. great great sub.
They are all very good sql woofers. And none of them are currently being sold. The avalanche is discontinued the XXX has been redesigned and will be available shortly the brahma I dont really know.
the brahma is currently being sold, some at a time. but dan was considering adding a rubber gasket/boot for the motor. fairly unattractive in its current state. the ava falls short of the xxx and brahma in sq and build.
the price is unbeatable though, so what the ava lacks in sq it makes up for in cost, also u can put a 500 watt amp to and ava and it will sound amazing, im not saying the others are bad, but if i where on a budget (which most people are) I would take the ava
indeed. the price/performance ratio is arguably the best out of all subs. the other two excellent values are the dayton markIII and s splinter rl-p. but, yeah, i couldn't agree with you more. (the brahma also sounds great w/500-800 watts).