<£180 unamped headphones for music, movies and gameing


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Username: Contactadam2002

Post Number: 5
Registered: Jun-08
I need help choosing headphones to match the specification below as I have spent too long unsuccessfully narrowing down a huge list and when I do there are always unanswered questions that for that amount of money I can't leave to chance. I am also somewhat of an audiophile for headphones too and for the price they'll have to last a long time.

£100-£150 preferably (£180 at a push)
Movies, games and occasionally music (PC, TV and AV receiver)
Over-ear (closed or open back)
Must not need an amp
Noise canceling optional (prefer passive, but active is ok)
Good bass

New member
Username: Headguy

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jan-11
HI, suggest you better off scanning through this site for headsets and headphones. You will tons of stuff in your budget, well i hope. Thanks alot.
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