Props with tys Amp


Silver Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 630
Registered: Mar-06
Well, i bought the Memphis PR200.2 off ty last week, in arrivered Friday. I installed it in my ride and I was very dissapointed. When ever I turned the gain past 1/4 the amp would start to clip. Only pushing 2 6x9 Polk dbs, So anyway I try changing speakers for different ones, still the amp clips. Well, Im thinking this amp has probs or it is a power monster cause im feeding it 13.8 volts and its clipping, (blue light fading and amp shutting down). So I add another 4awg off the bat neg to chassis, ZAP, when i connect the bat terinal to post, (all systems off) and then nothing..... I grab my DMM and start checking. 13.8 at bat, but 5 at dist block. WTF? so i check the rest of the wiring and as soon as I touch the main ground to chassis, boom, it falls off. So, i reattach the ground, and start checking again with the DMM. Everthing is now running. The Memphis is pounding the Polks and all other amps are ok. Moral to this long story, Check your grounds often. Thanks again Ty for the awsum amp.

Silver Member
Username: Juliob

Santo DomingoDominican Re...

Post Number: 759
Registered: Dec-05
jajaja nice story

Gold Member
Username: Rovin

Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 8189
Registered: Jul-05
yep ^

4 a moment there u had us all thinking "WTF - like he got a bum amp !?" -lol

good that u have a happy ending -lol......

Silver Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 634
Registered: Mar-06
Yea, amps fine, Looks brand new. Also all the stickers are intact, IE, it hasnt been opened since factory. Also,I think Im gonna run 0/1 from the dist back to the bat, just to be safe.
One thing, One of the stickers says PowerBass on it.. Are Memphis and Powerbass affiliated some how? At a powerbass store in RI the guy had a few memphis amps, but i didnt think anything of it. And at another shop that sold Memphis, there were powerBass items there too. Anyone know? Aslo is Crossfire a spin off of Memphis as well. Thats what one guy told my.
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