Omega glassWolf


Silver Member
Username: Invictuz

Seattle, Wa Usa

Post Number: 149
Registered: Jan-05
Glasswolf: sorry to hear you are annoyed by my posts.

Generally i ask questions that directly pertain to something i am doing to my jeeps stereo or an idea i exploring that I may incorporate into the jeep. Either way this discussion board has been a great resource for answers, opinions and share experiences.

Why would you even waste time posting to a thread you find annoying? If you have nothing to contribute other than snide remarks and keyboard assaults your doing nothing more that pumping your post numbers...

Up to today i valued you as one of the most knowledgeable sources for of maybe 6 or 7 others on this board that i was confident enough in their answers that i would hit the garage and apply suggestions...

Glasswolf: Don't bother to reply to anymore of my posts.


Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 3746
Registered: Nov-04
Invictuz, don't take what GlassWolf said as an insult. Sometimes he just says things, but since it's a post, you can't tell that he was just being sarcastic. Take a look at some of this posts, sometimes he swears, but he was just having fun.
Answering same questions over and over gets to you sometimes. That is why you have to learn to give a little. Besides, how many audio pros do you see in real life that will give free advice? The places I see here, they guard it like as if it were top secret.

Also, the reason why GlassWolf got ticked off was, on your first thread, he spend the time to list all his equipment, so did I. Then to find the same thread under subs, could get annoying.

Gold Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 3333
Registered: Aug-04
You gotta wait for your questions to be answered. Just because you posted a question in the amp forum, and it's not answered in 20 minutes, doesn't meen you can ask it again in the sub forum. Just be patient. Glass just get's annoyed when people start the same exact threads in 2 or 3 different forums. It's pointless.

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 8772
Registered: Dec-03
invictuz, I was teasing you if you're refering to my comment about cross-posting..
it's just generally accepted net etiquette not to post the same thread word for word in multiple forums.. it's been that way since the inception of USEnet, but if you're not a newsgroup person it's understandable that you wouldn't know the 'unwritten rules' for behavior.

The problem it causes with newsgroups namely, is that cross-posting tends to eat tons of bandwidth across the NNTP servers, which costs everybody (subscribers) money. After a while it's just become courteous to ask once and wait for replies.
I realize not everybody reads every forum here (I don't read all of them either) but amplifiers and subwoofers are the two busiest forums here, and pretty much everybody reads both. Especially the gold members with over 1000 posts to their registered names.

If I was really that annoyed I wouldn't even respond to your posts at all.. like I ignore.. just kidding, thought I'd name someone huh? :P

Fact is, if you're that thin skinned though, maybe public forums aren't a good place for you. Sensitive people don't really do too well in settings where hundreds of jokers can post anonimously and say pretty much anything they want with no means of moderation.. This is the deep end of the pool, if you will. It's not meant for everyone. Heck, I get tired of it at times myself and consider leaving. I certainly have better things to do with all of these hours of my life than help everybody else out of sheer generosity. Getting harrassed by you when I asked you not to cross-post wasn't exactly a great way to get a nice reply from me. You get what you give. If you don't want my input anymore, though I'm ok with that too. it will certainly save me time in the long run.


Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 8773
Registered: Dec-03
I give Invictuz the benefit of the doubt.. he's about my age. He's old enough to sort it all out and come to a reasonable conclusion. I'm betting he was just miffed about my response. He'll get over it (or die trying as I used to say)

Either way, I'm not holding a grudge about it. I just say what I think.. Not everybody likes that and I rub a lot of people the wrong way. It's just who I am and I've been unable to alter that about my personality so I've just learned to wait and see who can put up with me and who can't. Some people are much better at social skills, and I admire that. I'm jsut not one of them.
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