Over Heating


I just bought 2 amps that are MBquarts(RAA2400/Raa4200). 1RKC113(rear), ADS speakers front.Now i have 2 PG xeon 12Dx4 i think. This is my 3rd pair of spearkers in 1 month. I smoke my 1st 10" fostgate 1class speaker in 10 days, 2nd one that is the same in 15 min. Then switch to 2 10"PG Octanie. Kill it in 10 days, now i have 2 12" ones now. But it melted my fuse for the amps to the subs(80v), Try a 30 and blew in 5 min. Now i have a 70v. Can some one tell me how to fix this problem of killing my subs or my fuse. I listen very loud and i have a Pioneer avic-n1 head unit. Max volume is 62 and i go 52 volu. I listen to dvds musica videos off the Tivo.

Silver Member
Username: Fishy

Tamarac, FL USA

Post Number: 187
Registered: Sep-04
If you hooked those subs up in parallel you may have presented your amp a load it wasn't designed to drive, i.e. its drawing more current than its supposed to.

Provide a link to your subs and sub amp and mebbe we can figure it out.

You could also try turning the gains down on the amp or just not playing it so loud, but it seems the latter is not an option.


Thx fishy. I got my install by the audio store, And they are piss cause they dont know why is it doing that. THey been around for 10 years. They have to keep on replacing my stuff for free. Oh by the way guys. Do you think i got a good deal on the items $4000 out the door with install. And are they good items.

Silver Member
Username: Fishy

Tamarac, FL USA

Post Number: 194
Registered: Sep-04
lol, make em fix it AGAIN I say.

I think those are all pretty good brands or were at one time. I've had two pair of A/D/S 320i separates starting back in the late 80's. They were like $550 a pair(mucho dinero back then) and worth every penny. At the time most peeps considered MB Quarts "Volkwagen speakers" in comparison.

But like I said if someone else installed that stuff I would think it would be their problem, lol, especially 4 grand worth. Oh they must hate you.

-Fishy :P

Are the amps i got good, match with the subs i got now.

Silver Member
Username: Fishy

Tamarac, FL USA

Post Number: 198
Registered: Sep-04
Unfortunately I'm really not up on the recent stuff. Some of the other guys might be able to help you there, but I would figure that a reputable shop in business for 10 years would know what they're doing.

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