1/8" (pc audio) to Speaker wire?


New member
Username: Infamous_q

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-06
Hey guys, i posted in another forum about this, but didn't get a straight forward answer. Currently i have a logitech z530 system (like many others...) and am looking for a way to get it to play true 5.1. i also have a hometheater in a box (but the speakers are garbage) and the dvd player, which has the speaker prongs in teh back, has an optical in, which is just what i need. also of note, the logitech speakers are connected by the 3 1/8" male connectors, and the sub contains a built in amp; the speakers connect via rca cables into the amp (except for the front right, the front right speaker has a headphone output, the power button and volume control, as well as the 3 prongs connected to it directly and then a serial port connecting to the subwoofer).

my question is, is it possible to take a female 1/8" cable to w/e, strip one end and use the bare wires to hook into the dvd plaeyrs spekaer outs? couldn't u just hook up the negative signals to teh ground on the 1/8" jack, and the left and right's to their respective positive terminals?

if its not as simple as that, some insight would be appreciated.

thanks guys!
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