RCA/Lyra mp3Pro model RD2012A... i was wondering how to delete songs off of it! PLEASE POST!!!!


Does anybody know how to delete songs off of RCA Lyra mp3pro version RD2012A????

richard Guy
Unregistered guest
have you looked where it shows all your songs click it and then press delete poof

Richard Guuy
Unregistered guest
alllright when you download songs on your lyra theres a list that shows all the songs you have on there click on one of thoose songs and press delete ok step cennect lyra to computer act like you want to download something then click on a song where it tells you everything you have in it and press delete

New member
Username: Rcampbell

New York, NY USA

Post Number: 1
Registered: Feb-05
I have the MP3pro RD2012. I bought a sd memory card and I can't transfer music to it from my pc or mp3 player.When I go to (MY COMPUTER) and click on the mem. card,it shows as a portable device. When I tried to transfer files, it says that the disk is write-protected and to remove the write-protection or use another disk. What do I do? Can you help me?

Unregistered guest
i bought a sd card and cant get it to work

Unregistered guest
on thr side of the sd card theres a switch flip it and try again

Unregistered guest
I'm looking in to getting a mp3pro lyra. Would you recommand? Is it a good model or should I go for something else??

Unregistered guest
i was given an mp3 pro for christmas and since then ive had to replace it twice. i dont know if ive done anything to it but the first one was continusly FF ing and the second turned itself of strait after the orientation screen. Can you put songs on it and when you want to change them, delete them off and install more?or will this wreck it?

Unregistered guest
does anybody have instructions to the rd2010 mp3 pro pleze email me at kidfodd@aol.com

Unregistered guest
My daughter bought an RCA Lyra MP3 Pro model RD2012A. As a result of several moves, she has misplaced everything except the player and earphones. How can I get a manual and whatever I need to be able to install the device so I can transfer music?

Unregistered guest
Anyone know where the reset button is on the RCA Lyra RD2012? Thanks.


Unregistered guest
Can anyone tell me why the internal memory does not work? and how can i fix that problem. my RD2012A only will play if i put an external chip in. Thankyou.

Unregistered guest
how do you delete music off of a rca lyra rd2312 if you do plz email how to do it to lil_len00@hotmail.com thanx very much.

Unregistered guest
I downloaded new music on my RCA Lyra RD2010. About 15 minutes later, I could not get it to power on. I replaced the battery and still no power. I conncetd it to the computer and it no longer registers. It just stopped working just like that. Has anyone ran into this problem that it just stopped working?? Is this common? Is there a solution?

Unregistered guest
Need help... internal memory is not working. I can only play songs on an external chip. Anyone know how to fix this? I can't locate my original CD anyone out there have one?

Unregistered guest
I was wondering what is the maximum size of external SD card we can use in the RCA Lyra RD2012a?

New member
Username: Saskiajones

Post Number: 1
Registered: Mar-06
Breana, i have had the same problem, it just stopped working, apparently this is a defect a few people have had problems with.
if you've come across anything that can get your rca lyra to start, please contact me at collidescopelady@yahoo.com
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