I need help making this effect


New member
Username: Xarzu

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jan-21
Hello friends!

This is a copy of a gif I saw on twitter. I made this copy because I want to learn how this effect is done. It is a static image that has been turned into a gif. Two simple visual effects have been added by the person who made this. There is a flash of light simulation as well as sparkles of light emanating from the subjects of the image.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3ehRJpXtS0Xo-_dEFXzw5iyJ7PGB0HzGpk8-P9 3RAeW9OTMYHZ5zCuxwAMNYLmDr5ko5w_oTogb9d6IZW5PlnX6lTj4IDbdYoDt2FWBuUqelglxwwa0l9C 6r5vts6VV38zdBSMbUMML_3-cUVFkE3ie=w320-h180-no?authuser=0

I want to know if there is an easy way to do this using publicly available animation creation and graphic creation software.

I also would like to find out how to make, if I choose to, a fireworks explosion effect in the back ground of an image.

Please help.
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