Computer acting weird


New member
Username: Bayman1952

Newfoundland Canada

Post Number: 8
Registered: Jun-06
my computer is acting very weird when i turn her on she freezes up right away i take her out to my shed and hook her up and she is ok bring her back in and she is the same thing when i turn her on she will freeze right away what could my problem be anyone thank you

Silver Member
Username: Stefanom

Vienna, VA United States

Post Number: 492
Registered: Apr-06
Could be a number of things. If you have a diagnostic CD that came with your PC, now would be the time to use it.

Does it give you any error messages, or freeze at a specific time?

New member
Username: Bayman1952

Newfoundland Canada

Post Number: 9
Registered: Jun-06
no i do not have a dig cd when i bring the computer in to my living room and hook her back up i power on and then she will freeze . then i take her back to the shed and hook her back up and she is ok seems when she is cold she will work

New member
Username: Bayman1952

Newfoundland Canada

Post Number: 10
Registered: Jun-06
oh and by the way she do not give any error mesages

Silver Member
Username: Stefanom

Vienna, VA United States

Post Number: 494
Registered: Apr-06
How long does it take the machine to crash typically?

Also, for diagnostics:

Bronze Member
Username: Bayman1952

Newfoundland Canada

Post Number: 11
Registered: Jun-06
about 1 min.just as soon as windows opens

Silver Member
Username: Stefanom

Vienna, VA United States

Post Number: 496
Registered: Apr-06
Well, try the ultimate boot cd, should give you an idea of what might be wrong at least.

Silver Member
Username: Donnie1973


Post Number: 537
Registered: May-06
do u have any shareware installed? limewire, etc...

Bronze Member
Username: Bayman1952

Newfoundland Canada

Post Number: 12
Registered: Jun-06
yes i have Ares and limewire and i downloaded another called sharebears or sonething like that.

Silver Member
Username: Donnie1973


Post Number: 539
Registered: May-06
unplug from the internet, boot up, and take that junk off! It is full of virus' and spyware. then do a virus scan. this will fix it.

Gold Member
Username: Dustin3

Tigard, OR U.S.

Post Number: 4739
Registered: Oct-05
it wont fix it^^ not if he cant even open to his desktop. it seems that you have some kind of weird thing floating around. sign up on and post your log results... they will take your log and tell you if anything is wrong with it, they will fix your comp. for you guarenteed.. they are trained pros..

Silver Member
Username: Appzalien

Cleveland, Ohio US of A

Post Number: 138
Registered: May-06
If it actually is temperature related you may have to check the insides to see if all the fans are turning or if the front vents or cpu heatsink are full of dust.
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