I'm doing a school project that i make a halo2 recording using a vcr cause i dont have a dvd player that can record onto dvds. Since its a graphic desgin project i dont see how this is but anyways. I need to transfer a vcr tape recording to a dvd to edit it. I have a little idea what im doing. but i have no idea what software/hardware i need and how much this will cost.
there is free sound editting software at download.com. i suggest grabbing one and then plugging a RCA Y-spliter (out from your VCR audio left and right) to mini phono (to the back of your sound card microphone/input). use soundrecorder (built into windows) to grab the audio, then edit it on the freeware program.
make sure you right click on the speaker (bottom right hand corner of your taskbar) to make sure the microphone/input is turned on.
do all this, of course unless you want to add effects. in that case, a freeware might not do it for you. try acid, fruityloops, or soundforge.
ps: a y-spltter is only needed for stereo. if you want mono, just go from audio right to mic/input.