This is a Creative DDTS-100 Dolby Decoder The problem is that the outputs of the decoder are mini plugs and the stereo inputs are RCA jacks. I think the left and right front/rear mini plugs have two channels each and I found cables for them. The third mini looks like it has three channels. Is there a cable that goes from a three channel mini plug to three RCA plugs? Thanks for your help!
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Hi Three mini jacks (green/orange/black) means it's a 5.1 output, mostly for computer inputs. Each jack transmits 2 channels. Green for front stereo, orange for center and subwoofer, and black for rear stereo. 5.1 is six channels, in three jacks, means two channels per jack. Your DVD player outputs 5.1 sound via optical, which is the best quality you can have if your player has this format. But if you don't (I think it's the case) you can transmit stereo sound from your player and the decoder, well ..., will decode it to get true 5.1 surround sound. I think the DDTS-100 has been designed for non-home theatre speakers like quality computer speakers (Creative, Logitech and Klipsch) ... this could explain why it outputs three minijacks -most 5.1 compatible soundcards inputs are three minijacks-. I don't exactly know what you want to do or how you want to plug. Are your RCA plugs color-coded green / orange / black ? If so, simply get adapters for RCA/minijacks. I'm not sure what you mean and what you what to do.
Hope this helps but my post leaves me unsatisfied...