Bronze Member Username: Leafs_wingpPost Number: 94 Registered: Sep-07 | How long until the coders get fed up with BEV? Up for 8 hours yesterday and back down again. Is it just that there are fewer BEV subs so they just roll the fix out and DN has to wait until a certain % of it's subs has the new files before they start rolling out the ECMs? I am sick of listening to my friends with DN mouth off... If I am going to be down I want the DN people down too. LOL Plus when DN goes down I feel like the new bins come out quicker. I wonder how long everyone will wait around for this see-saw? Like someone else on here said. This is the same as a complete blackout. Up and down every 8-10 hours is just as bad. |
Silver Member Username: Thechiz2The south, Ur anis Mine Post Number: 296 Registered: Apr-05 | i think we should write our congressman ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Leafs_wingpPost Number: 95 Registered: Sep-07 | they're too busy fondling dudes in bathrooms |
New member Username: SammynorthPost Number: 1 Registered: Oct-06 | Don't worry too much about the 'coders' - the more hits there are, the more $$$$ they make...... |
Gold Member Username: RtapFL Post Number: 1390 Registered: Jan-07 | i believe the fixes come out quicker for dn due to a higher demand.there are more people using dn than bev. |
Bronze Member Username: One_eye_jackPost Number: 93 Registered: Nov-07 | Mother, we will wait as long as it takes or Charlie runs out of money. He is pickup the check.The decoders, God bless them and Merry Christmas to all of them. |
Gold Member Username: RtapFL Post Number: 1392 Registered: Jan-07 | all hail team blacklist.![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Leafs_wingpPost Number: 96 Registered: Sep-07 | I understand that there is WAY more demand for DN... I said I was just hoping DN would go down as well. LOL I heard people talking about it before... but is there really a way to create a superbin that can change the timing and lookups like the new dynamic ECM from last week seems to be doing, or is this how you see it being? I have read that some Bell subs have had issues too, on this board and others. One can hope anyway |
Silver Member Username: Space_invaderAndromeda M31 Post Number: 306 Registered: Nov-07 | Difficult for Kudelski... They are not perfect... |
Silver Member Username: AddtempPost Number: 103 Registered: Oct-07 | This really Funny Why the Hell will Coders fed up with how many times BEV goes down. If any one fed up its the people watching FTA not the Coders. Coders can wait for a welk , a month, a year , a decade for Bell to keep on rolling ECm and then suddenly release a fix lets say after 3 months.... so Coders will always have a fix at certain point unless they can't break the code. So the Issue is not how many times issue is if they can break it or not and so far they can ....If FTA users are not impatient then BEV will always be on FTA if they impatient then it won't be so every thing sepend on Watches not coders or BEV .... |
Silver Member Username: BirdwatcherPost Number: 562 Registered: Jul-06 | how much can your mouth hold |
Bronze Member Username: Leafs_wingpPost Number: 97 Registered: Sep-07 | I understand what you are getting at... of course the coders won't get fed up... but if you say they decide to wait 2 weeks to bring a fix out that normally they would bring out in 2 days because BEV has hit them 3 days in a row then I would consider that fed up. Why would they waste their time (If they aren't getting paid that is) to continue to release bins that get flashed 8 hours later... They would say, like you said... wait 2 weeks, then release one. That's fed up... Does anyone else find it weird that the last two ECMs were released almost around the exact time Total updated their front page with the new files... |
Bronze Member Username: JoeturnPost Number: 35 Registered: Apr-06 | The manual key entry & the auto transponder options were removed from the files. This was intentional,as it makes the download monitors more prevelant! The IPs or recorded and the download is documented,just like the dvd sites! Your ID and address will be given to the LAWYER SCAM artist! Which do this full time between golf games. It pays their green fees,it keep the court system afloat ,with filling fees, and their misrepresentation gets them,oogles of money! Ambulance chasing is a thing of the past since malware/spyware$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ You never know when the FCC will make it illegel to RECIEVE RF with out a liciense?? The new may set in on Washington any minute now with religous demands?? What say UNK gonna pay up??? THe NEW MURDOCH ADMINASTRATION you know the rotine here loopy;) |
New member Username: Team_blacklistHEADQUATERSPIRATE Post Number: 4 Registered: Dec-07 | this conversation is very interesting.hmmmm |
Silver Member Username: Koko_wawaPost Number: 113 Registered: Aug-07 | DN and BV they can do it anytime they want. They have to block all nonpaid viewers. I believe the condition will get worse within the next few weeks. WE HAVE TO BE PATIENT. Technology is fought with technology and that what makes America great. Happy holidays. |
Silver Member Username: Pulp_fictionPost Number: 649 Registered: Nov-07 | ![]() |
New member Username: Team_blacklistHEADQUATERSPIRATE Post Number: 7 Registered: Dec-07 | only a monkey would post something about another monkey.which character are you in the movie pulp fiction.the guy who gets fucckkeedd.yahoooooo |
Bronze Member Username: JoeturnPost Number: 36 Registered: Apr-06 | Dont dis credit the MONKEY!! Mark Twain said that "God surely created the Monkey because of his dissapointment in MAN" The MONKEY was the winner of the space race and the only one to MAKE it to the moon!! Area 51/Alien Autopsy was all about the return of the monkey test pilots re-entry into the earths atmosphere without the heat shield!! |
Bronze Member Username: JoeturnPost Number: 37 Registered: Apr-06 | Brother! Why have they got you behind them bars? |
Bronze Member Username: JoeturnPost Number: 38 Registered: Apr-06 | I'm going down to the tabernacle right now and were going to send a partision to Washington! All I have to offer you now is this piece of gum!Which the Gorilla glasped softly!! Team Blacklist please step down since your a noobe |
Bronze Member Username: JoeturnPost Number: 39 Registered: Apr-06 | Loopy said it was "CLASP"![]() Well in that case Clasp ,turn to page 34 where we will review! Revolution |
New member Username: Team_blacklistHEADQUATERSPIRATE Post Number: 10 Registered: Dec-07 | joe have u taken your pills.dude u make no sense at all.blah blah blah. |
Bronze Member Username: JoeturnPost Number: 40 Registered: Apr-06 | going to sleep now!! Come watch me play! tournament #31515966 on FullTilt @ 22:05ET The monkey he got and went up the elephant's trunk; The elephant sneezed and fell to his knees, and no one ever knew what became of that monk monk monk |
Bronze Member Username: Team_blacklistHEADQUATERSPIRATE Post Number: 11 Registered: Dec-07 | joe take the blue pill and not the red pill your going psyhco on |
Bronze Member Username: JoeturnPost Number: 41 Registered: Apr-06 | oooopps!! The monkey he got drunk and went up the elephants trunk (hic-up) People come from miles around just to watch me play ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: JoeturnPost Number: 42 Registered: Apr-06 | The Red pill puts me to sleep and the blue pill keeps me from rolling off the bed!! Got to go dont nothing till after the game;) |
Bronze Member Username: JoeturnPost Number: 43 Registered: Apr-06 | I could not wait till after the game! Too few red pills! Ok now clasp onto REVOLUTION as you have been taught1the moon revoles around the earth and the earth revolves around the sun ect.ect..ect... Well atoms are in constant motion because their moon is the electron! As one electron moves closer to another electron, there is an electromagnetic field produced to repell it in a different direction! Thus maintaining constant revolution!! Einstien and Faraday were both on track but wrong in its conception! This will be on the test so please pay close attetion! Relativity and wave patterns do change but not because of gravity or time but because of REVOLUTION! Sir Isac Newton was soo close in his theory it was mind boggiling// Chapter two: We will plunge ahead and pick up on where there's a will there's away(demand and supply)! The MONKEY was not only the smartest!! Hamster's were the ginny-piggs of Radio Frequency Technology!! They started with simple vertical polarity! It was a marvel but Faraday explained its pattern change,not to great detaill as he was guessing. the reason! A vertical signal was good for certain distances due to failure in signal strenght. REVOLUTION took control and them atoms bombarded the magnetic field so hard the resistance would completly disolve a vertical signal after a distance!! During the war "Hamsters" released another marvel of technology they called horrizontal polarity! While transmitting on a horrizontal plane a wire would tranmitt a horrizontal pattern at 90 degrees to the back and front and no signal off its ends! This is how the war was won cause the enemy could not pick up the signal ment for ground command either side of the frontline! However it was still dependant on the amount of REVOLUTION, the faraday effect so to speak! So for longer distances vertical had to be used to convey the status! This is where them Indians came into play! The signal was being captured but it was not being decoded cause them Indians did not have a forked tounge!! Faradays effect (now know as REVOLUTION RESISTANCE) still stuck out like a sore thumb! So them hamsters jumpped in agin with another marvel of technology! They could transmit both vertical and horrizontal simultainiously and the FARADAY EFFECT was less noticeable. As the polarity of one transmision was converted so was the tranmission of the other polarity converted! Leaving Faraday out in the cold!! REVOLUTION kicked in and used the repulsion or the electrons as an amplification factor! The pattern was in constant motion one direction or the other! ooops there goes the bell!!!! Clasp will resume after the game!!! jump on this quick loopy ! |
Silver Member Username: CntrlaltdelPost Number: 163 Registered: Nov-06 | I could care less if BEV's up... besides the p0rn & TSN it sucks, and I get local Global & CTV with cable. |
Bronze Member Username: JoeturnPost Number: 44 Registered: Apr-06 | Bill Hunter please take your sit! Clasp is under way!! With the invention of the radio telescope,wave patterns could be analised! On mobil transmissions where the wire was wound to compact its size for the correct wave length! A helical pattern was evident in a cork screw mannor! If the antenna was wound in a clockwise mannor , the pattern was in a right handed screw pattern.If wound counter clockwise a left handed screw pattern was evident! In a co-phased antenna system one wound clock-wise and the other wound counter clock-wise.The pattern was evident both left and right handed! This helical phenominon was called circular polarization!So now no matter what effect Faraday has REVOLUTION is in command!! Satellite technology adopted this form of helical transmission by transmitting RF with helical anttenas wound both ways! They were set in motion to spin in orbit, so as to overwhelm the faraday effect! Geostationary sats with multiple transponders could not spin so now Revolution has a tendancy to reverse its polarity,from vertical to horrizontal,So the newest sats have co-phased helical antennas wound both ways to help mantain a constant signal strength no matter which way the pattern ends up on the recieving end!! DTV called this technology CIRCULAR POLARIZATION but them Hamsters knows whats what!! REVOLUTION will cause such patterns to be flip-floped so many times it has no certain patern upon its reception. So dishes collect a congloberation of patterns and feeds them thru a feed horn! It cant tell if its left handed or right handed helical or linear just that if its horizontal it will be 3db weaker with less noise level! I must pause here and wait till technology catches up to REVOLUTION it will be televised dont you know;) |
Bronze Member Username: Ed_zackaryPost Number: 54 Registered: Sep-07 | CAPTAIN SHE CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE!! ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: JoeturnPost Number: 46 Registered: Apr-06 | LOL |
Silver Member Username: Oleg1474Florida Usa Post Number: 528 Registered: Aug-06 | good news new (EURO/ECM666)pass FTA test,new NAGRA-3 comming soon. Thank you!! Oleg PHD. |
Silver Member Username: Leafs_wingpPost Number: 123 Registered: Sep-07 | Meaning? Thanks Your Mother PHD |
Bronze Member Username: JoeturnPost Number: 71 Registered: Apr-06 | OK now clasp: We have learned that them hamsters have paved the way from ground transmitions to helical repeaters on sats! Now the signal is of no certain pattern upon reception,However LNAs and LNBs were placed into the feed horn to block the noise of REVOLUTION resistance of vertical reception and to amplify the low db of the horizontal! Recently added was a LNBF that would do both amplify and block the noise! So the new thingy(LNBF) will gather all polarity and smooth its signal and amplify when needed!! This technology has been released by the Hamsters! Yet giving some glory to the "Almighty Monkey see Monkey do" The compression of the signal(NAGRA 1-2-3) will have no effect on the LNBF as long its within 10ghz-14ghz!! Clasp dissmised!! |
Silver Member Username: Oleg1474Florida Usa Post Number: 605 Registered: Aug-06 | Posted on Friday, December 14, 2007 - 10:46 am: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sted on Friday, December 14, 2007 - 10:45 am: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Latest News: Dec 14 2007 4:24am EST Viewsat files released ** FIX FOR BEV ** ALL NEW FILES: Freezing FIXED Viewsat Extreme / Viewsat Platinum Viewsat Ultra / Viewsat 9000 HD Viewsat PVR 7000 / Viewsat Pro |
Gold Member Username: NydasPost Number: 5909 Registered: Jun-06 | Viewsat files have been released. There is a second release on each one of them with a -1 suffix. That is the one to be used. CW files released. No news on Pansats. |
Bronze Member Username: RazzorwyrePost Number: 69 Registered: Dec-07 | What is messed up here is good oleg is in one hand acting as if he/she is batting clean up for bev/dn and then in the other hand he is playing 1st base for FTA. That is not a good combo to be doing, in the both could get you fuked up. |
Silver Member Username: Pulp_fictionPost Number: 683 Registered: Nov-07 | Oleg marches to a different beat.... he has little pissant of a site and will try anything to drive traffic towards it he is as bad if not worst then the bonehead -link |
New member Username: RangerrickAnytown USA, Who cares USA Post Number: 10 Registered: Mar-05 | Boy this site hasn't changed a bit! Still the same bashing and rambling on about Nada! Not a Damn thing....And the picture in this post is of Chimps, which are Apes Not Monkeys!!! Apes do Not have a tail like monkeys!!! |
Silver Member Username: JoeturnPost Number: 114 Registered: Apr-06 | Yo MaMa How did you get behind the picture to see their tails?? I'de say right turn Clyde!! |
Silver Member Username: JoeturnPost Number: 115 Registered: Apr-06 | MAVERICK YOUR SUCKING HIND TIT |
Silver Member Username: JoeturnPost Number: 116 Registered: Apr-06 | mods come from miles around just to see me play!! My intended audience is always captivated by my post no matter where I leave them dropping ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Oleg1474Florida Usa Post Number: 623 Registered: Aug-06 | Posted on Saturday, December 15, 2007 - 10:28 am: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Working BEVSoftware(Temp../ Bin Files /) Hello everyone, we now have new working software bin files for the viewsat receivers. make sure you go to the receiver you own for the newest bin files These New Software Bin Files Are For BEV Bell ExpressVu if you are NOT pointed at that satellite you do not need to use this software, dish users. Viewsat Receivers: Updated Software Bin Files As Of: 12/15/07 Viewsat Pro 071214A Bev Fix Viewsat Ultra 071214U-1a bev fix Viewsat Extreme 071214X-1a Bev Fix Viewsat Plat/lite 071214P-1a Bev fix Viewsat PVR7000 071214A Bev Fix... Thank you!! Oleg PHD. |
Silver Member Username: JoeturnPost Number: 126 Registered: Apr-06 | Yo Unk tell them how you came about purchasing the direct auto site there in El Segunda you know the one that was took over by Internet Brands that owns vBulletin![]() |
New member Username: Chicken_littlePost Number: 2 Registered: Dec-07 | did i mention the sky was falling ? |
Silver Member Username: JoeturnPost Number: 127 Registered: Apr-06 | "We're gonna squeeze the life out of these gold card yet" by 2old4this I am a fine musician;I practice everyday: |
Silver Member Username: One_eye_jackPost Number: 116 Registered: Nov-07 | How Many ECMs can we take? You will need to Play if you can't afford to Pay. ![]() ![]() |
Silver Member Username: JoeturnPost Number: 128 Registered: Apr-06 | did i mention the sky was falling ? No you did not but a big chunk of it called BskyB fell near my house! So keep your EYES wide open all the time; It may come down like falling rain: |
Silver Member Username: Oleg1474Florida Usa Post Number: 654 Registered: Aug-06 | well something this good shouldn't die pouring over this all evening. as with the ird to fta work lately to me its the last area of the hobby I need to play with I am finding the hobby really boring, its never about tv its about doing something new and learning. and would love to work on the Viewsat & Pansat. for just shits and giggles. when satfta left/was made to leave the hobby it left a rather large hole, then cc closed. so much is done closed source now. I don't think the advent of the fta has detremented the hobby I just think it hasn't been used to its full potentional. a box we can mess with and the legal providers can NOT write legally. so its only our code to deal with no updates. just wish more was done open source and publically exploiting the hardware having fun. even the crappiest fta has a cpu and ram that far outruns a echostar Euro/ECM666 I don't own an fta so plan to mess with the echostar Euro/Ecm66 just as a winter play project it probably won't amount to much but atleast have fun trying. now for an utter NEWBIE question in page 2 of this thread to quote O-PHD-2 Quote: 0x7FFFFFFE, the top of memory (because it is signed addressing) , the last few bytes of the Flash (or TSOP for those who didn't know). At that location there will be a jmp to some address close by (as it only allows for 2 bytes). This is common to see amongst all versions. loc_7FFFFFE7: 7FFFFFE7 272F2F2F20202040 ldc #7FFF0000 7FFFFFEF F6 gcall . . . 7FFFFFFE 6107 j loc_7FFFFFE7 Or something along that lines (as the board will really mess up my formatting). now shockingly in the E666 bev Euro/Ecm666 tsop I have Code: 7FFFFFFE 6107this using 7FF80000 as a base offset in hex workshop now using these to documents View/C4 Core Instruction Set Reference Manual pdf View datasheet pdf I don't see where the j routine is broken down from the 61 or 07 I am and I know this is a bad thing but ASSUMING the 61 is the jump and the 07 is its relative addressing page 95 of the first pdf Quote: j n jump Code: Function 0 Description: Unconditional relative jump. The destination of the jump is expressed as a byte offset from the first byte after the current instruction. j 0 causes a breakpoint. Definition: if (n = 0) Take a breakpoint trap else Iptr4 u next instruction + n Areg4 u undefined Breg4 u undefined Creg4 u undefined Error signals: j 0 can cause a breakpoint trap to be signalled. Comments: Primary instruction. Instruction is a descheduling point. Instruction is a timeslicing point. so I understand its a primary instruction now by the View pdf Code: Function code Memory Mnemonic Processor Name Notes code cycles 0 0X j 5 jump D,Tnow Quote: Notes D Instruction can deschedule T Instruction can timeslice I am just trying to understand the nomenclature am familar with asm and its one of my favourite languages and have worked on the mostek the intel and motorola processors and I figure no point going past the first instruction until I understand it. so I probably need to be hit with a clue x 4. but any takers or pointers? and yes my 7FFFFFE7 exactly matches what Dave2 posted but I figure as I stated above might as well start off on the right foot. I love the winter gives time late nights for reading the old threads. Thank you!! Oleg PHD@usa oleg Silver Member Username: Oleg1474 Florida usa Post Number: 630 Registered: Aug-06 Posted on Sunday, December 16, 2007 - 12:32 am: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- well still up reading so might as well correct myself on my wrong assumptions not sure what this dump was from but the relevant code matched and was dissassembled Code: e509| from loader.txt found in the sti5518 development on curious contraptions 20 | 7FFFFFE4 20 PFIX 00000000 20 | 7FFFFFE5 20 PFIX 00000000 20 | 7FFFFFE6 20 PFIX 00000000 27 | 7FFFFFE7 27 PFIX 00000007 2F | 7FFFFFE8 2F PFIX 0000007F 2F | 7FFFFFE9 2F PFIX 000007FF 2F | 7FFFFFEA 2F PFIX 00007FFF 20 | 7FFFFFEB 29 PFIX 0007FFF9 20 | 7FFFFFEC 22 PFIX 007FFF92 20 | 7FFFFFED 22 PFIX 07FFF922 40 | 7FFFFFEE 44 LDC 7FFF9224 F6 | 7FFFFFEF F6 GCALL_0006 F4 | 7FFFFFF0 80 ADC 00000000 F1 | 7FFFFFF1 E0 STNL 00000000 FF | 7FFFFFF2 FF OUTWORD_000F 7F | 7FFFFFF3 7F LDL 0000000F A0 | 7FFFFFF4 A4 CJ 00000004 (7FFFFFF9) F1 | 7FFFFFF5 DD STL 0000000D FF | 7FFFFFF6 FF OUTWORD_000F 7F | 7FFFFFF7 7F LDL 0000000F 01 | 7FFFFFF8 00 J 00000000 (7FFFFFF9) 00 | 7FFFFFF9 02 J 00000002 (7FFFFFFC) 00 | 7FFFFFFA 00 J 00000000 (7FFFFFFB) 00 | 7FFFFFFB 80 ADC 00000000 20 | 7FFFFFFC 20 PFIX 00000000 20 | 7FFFFFFD 20 PFIX 00000000 61 | 7FFFFFFE 61 NFIX FFFFFFFE 07 | 7FFFFFFF 07 J FFFFFFE7 (7FFFFFE7)any hints truely appreciated so is it working in nibbles or bytes. just talking to myself laugh. will keep reading in the morning, anyway thought I'd post to keep the thread alive. the 0 at 7FFFFFFF 07 I understand the 7 puzzles me but more when I wake. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks... |
Bronze Member Username: Jack_meoffPost Number: 86 Registered: Nov-07 | ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Ed_zackaryPost Number: 74 Registered: Sep-07 | OLEG ![]() |
Silver Member Username: DoreenakadjOntario Canada Post Number: 894 Registered: Dec-06 | Q....How many ECM's can we take? A....As many as they give us! |
Bronze Member Username: BillybeerboyBad streetUnited states Post Number: 76 Registered: Mar-06 | There is a solution.Pay for it and you wont miss anything.Heres a tissue now wipe those crying eyes and go to sleep. |
Silver Member Username: Pulp_fictionPost Number: 718 Registered: Nov-07 | Dog Training Methods Uncovered Dog Training Methods Uncovered Over the years there have been numerous training techniques that have been used on dogs. Some of the methods are touted as the new best thing but usually they are just a rehash or new take on an existing technique. There are basically six types of training all others being just different take on these methods. Dog whispering. This is probably the most recent form of training and relies on understanding the body language and behaviour of the dog. Dog whispering will let you 'talk' to your dog in a way that he will under stand. This type of training is based on positive association and can help you really understand you dog's problems. Reward Training This is the most popular types of dog training used at present and works through rewarding you dog with tasty treats whenever he does something he is supposed to. It is usually coupled with lots of praise and fuss. Your dog associates this 'reward' with the behaviour he was carrying out at the time and because a dog thrives on praise and fuss from his owner he will associate something he should do with something good thus encouraging him to continue to do it. Choke or Check Collar Training. This method can be very effective especially suited to more dominant dogs as well as large strong dog breeds. No matter what type of dog you are training please remember that the idea of the choke chain is not to inflict pain, only being used to get your dogs attention. The check collar is placed over your dog's head and a lead attached. When you pull on the leash you cause the check chain to tighten around your dogs neck so that he feels a sharp pull. This is used to correct your dog's behaviour. If he does not pull or misbehave he will not be 'checked'. The check collar should only be used for training purposes and you should be very familiar with how a choke collar works before attempting to use it. Clicker Training This type of training is a conditional training method that works through association. The clicker is a small plastic box with a clicking metal strip inside it .It is usually used with a treat of some kind. You give your dog a treat to reward him at the same time as you use the clicker when your dog is doing something correctly. Your dog will initially react to the treat but by association will come to relate to the click. When he hears the click after certain actions he will know he has done something good. Electric Collar Training With this method of training you are able to administer a small electric shock to your dog. The shock is administered when your dog needs to be corrected. He will thus lean by the shock not to repeat that action. It can be done instantly and can be a useful tool in training a large aggressive dog that is difficult to control. |
Silver Member Username: Oleg1474Florida Usa Post Number: 663 Registered: Aug-06 | yes yes yes B3v fix ViewSat fix now. Next step PanSat; Thank you Oleg PHD. |