Fantastic mp3 player wma value for money


My friend paid over £200 for a ipod that has suffered total memory loss and has now stoped working.
I recently paid £69 for a multifunctional MP3 Player that can play WMA files too. Plug & Play and compatible with Windows and Mac OS.
The MP3 Player I bought was from
and I am very happy with it, fantastic quality and value for money. Flash memory is very robust and it also has a inbuilt voice recorder.

Thanks for great Advice. I love this 256mb mp3 player, its all that i wanted. I got it for half the normal retail price. has some excellent products.

Unregistered guest
The price is right!
Multifunctional MP3 Player that can play WMA files too. Plug & Play and compatible with Windows and Mac OS.
Bought it from
and I Love it!
Fantastic quality and value for money. The digital inbuilt voice recorder is a great way to keep track of things.

Bronze Member
Username: Scotty2hotty

Chicago, IL

Post Number: 13
Registered: Nov-04
F U, loser.

These posts are all a few minutes apart.

Unregistered guest
The message Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 04:32 pm is a HOAX!

I recently found my name on this website when I did a search. Who ever it is DO NOT ever use my email to post up ridiculous messages/ comments. I have not tested your MP3 player and do not intend to buy it either!

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