Sad news for ariza 700 owners - mingo left 'em


Bronze Member
Username: Poochi425

Mis, On

Post Number: 83
Registered: Feb-07
yupp this is sad.. as he was really a pro at it and mostly the ist one to come-out with the fix...
so where does this lead to ????
can these stb's be convrtd to something else like pans 2700....
with jtag or without jtag
and what files do they load from then on..
pans clone or pans cnvrtd
will it work ??

Platinum Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 14957
Registered: Jan-06
Mingo did NOT leave...his wife is having a baby, and they are in process of he'll be busy for awhile, but NOT dead and gone!

Gold Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 9639
Registered: Jun-06
Mingo is not dead but you can say "he is gone." I doubt if he can continue with new BINs from UK. Read his post:


Hi guys / gals just so you guys know I am soon to be a dad So I will be busy with my new baby. Also I Will be moving to the UK because of a great opertunity for me. I am giving a heads up to everyone here. As always I will do my best to help out the comunity. I see many people working on many soulutions and was very suprized that people here at fta talk got ariza xtreame working again. were there is a will there is a way. I will be taking my ariza to the UK wonder what I will see there. I am sure some one will step up to the plate. Thanks again for everthing every one.

MINGO><ognim> "

Gold Member
Username: Kirankumar

NO Bashing

Post Number: 2262
Registered: Oct-07
there will be need to worry,it might be a bit late,but it will come
enjoy this great hobby
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