How can I watch TV on my laptop?


Unregistered guest
I have a Dell Inspiron 1100 laptop and would like to watch TV on it. How would I do this? Do I need any attachments or software? I don't have a TV or Desktop - does this matter?
I'm not very good with technical stuff so would appreciate any help anyone could provide - thanks.

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Gold Member
Username: Illuminator

Post Number: 1381
Registered: Apr-05
Hey, actually you would have to have a jack that will support that. Toshiba for one has a composite video in of which you can hook up any device that has that type of output.

Unregistered guest
compusa has an adapter that turns a computer monitor into a tv for 100.00

ever heard of something called Cinergy Hybrid T USB XS. Google it. if you got the cash, it would be a great toy.

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Username: Therocksays2320

Post Number: 2
Registered: Nov-05
i have the same problem i want to connect cable tv to my inspiron 6000

Gold Member
Username: Illuminator


Post Number: 2153
Registered: Apr-05
Your laptop needs to be able to support it, which it doesn't.

Unregistered guest
assgdfgd you are a WANKER

Unregistered guest
I have the same issue with my Toshiba Equium M50 series. I dont have a televsion but I would be able to watch TV on it. Any ideas.

Thanks in advance.
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