Thoughts and Ideas.


Gold Member
Username: Skdooley

Roanoke, VA Usa

Post Number: 1061
Registered: Oct-09
If you didn't know a language, would you be able to have ideas and thoughts in your mind?

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive


Post Number: 23297
Registered: Jun-06
Well language can be expressed many different ways outside of words. Body language, sign language, scents given off, all express emotions and intent. While it's impossible to imagine living any kind of life with even the most animistic forms of expression and communication you'd have to wonder what babies dream of. Of course, since brain development even the newest newborn has had experiences and feedback from the world around him/her to begin learning how to communicate.

To completely isolate someone from birth from any and all interaction with not only humans but animals all together would be interesting to see the effects of. Entirely impractical and inhumane as well. But how could that happen? How could you pull that off? I don't think it's possible.

Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 5346
Registered: Mar-06
Helen Keller...

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive


Post Number: 23306
Registered: Jun-06
Helter skelter.....

Silver Member
Username: Finish22

Post Number: 270
Registered: Mar-10
there's this 1 year old kid whose parents died in jungle.....
amazingly, the kid got adopted and raised by a group of apes.

at age 8, the boy was caught by some expeditioners
but he acted like a wild beast ( pretty much as today's kids ).
3 months later he was speaking perfect English....

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