Need help with old pc, new laptop, and uverse.....


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Username: Epi4561

Post Number: 3
Registered: Aug-09
Ok, I've had AT&T Uverse for a year or so now and I love it.. Until recently, I've only had my desktop (XP pro) connected to the internet, with my printer connected via USB to the pc. no problems everything great. Well last week, the wife and I decided to jump into the 21st century and we purchased a Sony Vaio laptop (Windows 7). I have the laptop connected to the internet,via the wifi capabilities of the uverse gateway, but I can't seem to get it to recognize the desktop, or vice-versa. (The laptop also does not see the printer, but all I've done was to turn on printer sharing. It's still connected directly to the desktop. I could easily just connect it to the uverse gateway, but just haven't done it yet...) I'm not worried about that though cause I believe it is a result of the above mentioned problem. anybody have any suggestions? I would surely appreciate any info on the matter..

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Username: Laplantalcon

Post Number: 1
Registered: Oct-10
So everything on your laptop runs just fine--except the screen, the most important (and expensive) part. That's not a death knell, just a chance for re-purposing. Set your laptop up somewhere near your router, connect it with network cable, then read up on how to set up your system to run "headless" with any OS and only when you wake it up.
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