Bronze Member Username: Monkey_man_jackPost Number: 11 Registered: Dec-04 | In your opinion, what are the ten best PS2 games ever?! Here's my list 1.Ghost Recon 2.Silent Hill 2 3.Silent Hill 3 4.Rainbow Six 3 5.Grand Theft Auto 3 6.Grand Theft Auto San Andreas 7.Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec 8.Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 9.Medal of Honor Allied Assaualt. 10.Tony Hawk Undergroung |
JordanIsTheCoolest Unregistered guest | These are my 10 favorite: 1. grand Theft Auto: san Andreas 2. Need for speed: Underground 2 3. Socom 2: U.S Navy Seals 4. AceCombat 5 5. Secret Weapons Over Normandy 6. AceCombat 4 7. TrueCrime: Streets Of L.A 8. Tony Hawks Underground 2 9. Grand Theft Auto 3 10. Need For Speed: Underground 2 |
Bronze Member Username: Monkey_man_jackPost Number: 39 Registered: Dec-04 | Yo jordanls, Is Socom 2 better than the first one. Because the first one sucked. It used to be good until i played ghost recon, then no shooting (military) game has been able to compete. anyways how good is socom 2 compaired to the first one? |
Eskimo Unregistered guest | I just got a PS2 for chistmas so I havent got to play it but by the commarcials i would say: 1.Call of Duty:Finest Hour 2.Ghost Recon 2 3.Acecombat 5 4.Grand Theft Auto San Andreas These I've played at my friends house, 5.Grand Theft Auto:Vice City 6.Ace Combat 4 7.Medal of Honor:Rising Sun 8.Medal of Honor:Frontline 9.Lord of the Rings:The Third Age 10.Lord of the Rings:The Return of the King Those are my top 10 favorite,by the way what's anybody's top ten fav.movies? |
Bronze Member Username: Monkey_man_jackPost Number: 51 Registered: Dec-04 | PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN!!!!! BEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!! ok. 1.Pirates of the Caribbean 2.RESIDENT EVIL 3.X Files Fight the Future 4.Johnny English 5.TopGun 6.Terminator 2 Judgment Day 7.The Day After Tomorrow (should be #3 not 7) 8.Tremors 2,1,and 3 (in that order). 9.The Emperors New Groove 10.Finding Nemo. Well that's my top ten movies. What about you Eskimo? What are your top ten favorite movies? |
Bronze Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 25 Registered: Dec-04 | That's hard,I know! 1.King Arthur(Keira Knightly from the Pirates plays in that) 2.I,Robot 3.LOTR3 4.Signs 5.LOTR2 6.The Recruit 7.Matrix3 8.The Bourne Identity(I havent seen Bourne Supremecy,is it good?) 9.The Last Samurai 10.LOTR1 Monkey,how old are you, just want to know.I'm 12. What are your fav.CD's? |
Bronze Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 26 Registered: Dec-04 | My brother LOVES Top Gun. Monkey if you live in Sarasota you could meet up with me tomorrow or Sat. at the Gamestop in the old Sarasota Square,I need some PS2 games. |
Bronze Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 38 Registered: Dec-04 | Visit, my fav. game sight of all time. |
Unregistered guest | Nah my top ten - 1. MGS 3 - Snake Eater - you have to see it to believe it! 2. Killzone 3. Goldeneye - Rogue Agent 4. Burnout 3 5. GTA - San Andres 6. GTA - Vice City 7. Final Fantasy X-2 8. Manhunt 9. THUG 2 10, Mat Hoffman 2 |
Bronze Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 43 Registered: Dec-04 | That's not a bad list. Did ya check out Monks and mine? Mines better. |
Bronze Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 44 Registered: Dec-04 | Ruffy what are your fav. top ten movies? |
Bronze Member Username: Monkey_man_jackPost Number: 56 Registered: Dec-04 | Eskimo3, I am turing 18 in March. Fav. c.d.'s would be... 1.Ying Yang Twins 2.Lil Jon and the East Side Boyz 3.Tupac 4.Biggie Smalls 5.Evenasceasence (i have no idea how to spell that). 6.Techno c.d.'s, (none in particular). And other things that i can not think of right now. All artists above i like all of their c.d.'s. What about you? OH! I forgot to put the Matrix Revolutions on my movie list. I mean I hated the Matrix movies, but the Agent Smith scenes were awsome. Especially in the third one at the end. That was the coolest scene in all 3 movies, Smith also had the best lines... he was the only cool person in the movie. |
Bronze Member Username: Monkey_man_jackPost Number: 57 Registered: Dec-04 | Eskimo3, where is Sarasota square? Is that in Californ-i-a? |
Bronze Member Username: Monkey_man_jackPost Number: 72 Registered: Dec-04 | Eskimo3, that mouse breakerr site is tight, especially that shooting game. |
Bronze Member Username: Monkey_man_jackPost Number: 73 Registered: Dec-04 | Camperstrike is awsome. |
Bronze Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 50 Registered: Dec-04 | OK so your not in Sarasota, what city are you in? Have you played Blazing Squad, Eagle Eye or Top Dog? |
Bronze Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 51 Registered: Dec-04 | Oh yeah,my fav. CD's are, 1.Yes The Yes Album 2.Queen Greatist Hits(1981 edition) 3.Queen Greatist Hits(1992 edition) 4.Bill Cosby Himself 5.Yes Fragile Yes(Like Bond, James Bond) 6.Yes The Ladder 7.Led Zepplin Zoso How about your fav.........songs? |
Bronze Member Username: MavPost Number: 14 Registered: Dec-04 | My fav games are: 1.ACE CAMBAT 5 2.ACE COMBAT 4 3.Grand theft auto Vice City 4.ACE COMBAT 2(never played 1,or3) 5.TEKEN TAG TORNIMENT 6.LOTR 3 7.LOTR 3rd age 8.Prism(never played it) 9.Spider man |
Bronze Member Username: MavPost Number: 15 Registered: Dec-04 | My fav songs are: 1.round about 2.we have heven 3.long distance runaround 4.hert of sunrise 5.homeworld 6.lightning strikes 7.face to face 8.yours is no dicgrace 9.i've seen all good people 10.starship trooper(not in order at all) |
Bronze Member Username: MavPost Number: 16 Registered: Dec-04 | My fav songs are: 1.round about 2.we have heven 3.long distance runaround 4.hert of sunrise 5.homeworld 6.lightning strikes 7.face to face 8.yours is no dicgrace 9.i've seen all good people 10.starship trooper(not in order at all)(all from yes) |
Bronze Member Username: Monkey_man_jackPost Number: 74 Registered: Dec-04 | I'm in Ontario California. I played Top Dog but barely made it off of the ground. I havn't played the other games yet. |
Bronze Member Username: Monkey_man_jackPost Number: 75 Registered: Dec-04 | What is "Yes"? I have never heard of it. |
Bronze Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 65 Registered: Dec-04 | **MAV**'s my brother,he hasn't played half the games he put up there. Yes is 1970's classic rock band, my, Starship Trooper by Yes is really great. |
Bronze Member Username: Monkey_man_jackPost Number: 86 Registered: Dec-04 | I thought he might be your brother. |
Silver Member Username: AraknidPost Number: 173 Registered: Nov-04 | lame ....... the songs are crap.... here would be a couple of songs that you WOULDNT want to poke out your ear drums with a pointed pencil.... not in this order but... Da Blow assassins go to sleep patiently waiting welcome to the south get back nolia clap blueberry yum yums stomp taking hits the blister exists three nil stupify down with the sickness thats only a couple of about almost endless list I could tell you but I dont feel like naming 200 songs... I agree wit most those games but did 4get midnight club 2 |
Silver Member Username: Monkey_man_jackPost Number: 182 Registered: Dec-04 | Some of those songs are good. |
Jak&Daxter'sgurl Unregistered guest | Hi, well I don't have a top 10, I have a top 4: 1.Jak 3(This game rocks y'all;)! ) 2.Jak2 3.Jak and Daxter The Precusor Legacy 4.Kingdom Hearts |
Jak&Daxter'sgurl Unregistered guest | Hi, well I don't have a top 10, I have a top 4: 1.Jak 3(This game rocks y'all;)! ) 2.Jak2 3.Jak and Daxter The Precusor Legacy 4.Kingdom Hearts |
Jak&Daxter'sgurl Unregistered guest | I like Jak3, so who's you're fav character? Mine's Daxter, he's funny..who's you're least fav? Mine's Kleiver, he's not so great.. Who do u thinks better 4 Jak-Keira or Ashelin?.. |
Silver Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 137 Registered: Dec-04 | What are you talking about? |
Jak&Daxter'sgurl Unregistered guest | Jak3 the videogame! U never heard of of that game?.. an awesome game 2 play! ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Monkey_man_jackPost Number: 185 Registered: Dec-04 | My sister has all 3 of those games. I don't really care for them because it's not my type of game, but myfavorite character would be that weasel thing. |
Jak&Daxter'sgurl Unregistered guest | u like Daxter,I do 2![]() so what's Silent Hill? & what games do u like? I like shooting/action, lots of missions, games like that..Miltary style.. Jak'sgirl short 4 Jak&Daxter'sgurl ![]() do u like anime MonkeyJ? |
Jak&Daxter'sgurl Unregistered guest | Anime I like r Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, DN Angel, & Fullmetal Alchemist. there's some more I like but I can't think of anything else. |
Silver Member Username: Monkey_man_jackPost Number: 190 Registered: Dec-04 | I don't like anime. The drawings are all silly looking and they all look alike. I don't even really care for cartoons. |
Jak&Daxter'sgurl Unregistered guest | O okay well what's Silent Hill yo! |
Silver Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 146 Registered: Dec-04 | Tell (I guess her) Monk |
Jak&Daxter'sgurl Unregistered guest | What's Ace Combat? Check the Anime Thread!& HUH? |
Silver Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 150 Registered: Dec-04 | Huh what, I think your a girl(don't mean to be rude)are you? |
Silver Member Username: Monkey_man_jackPost Number: 191 Registered: Dec-04 | Hey Eskimo, do you remember the forum where I told you what silent hill was? It's too hard to explain the story line so I was going to use the explanation that I told you when you asked. I liked that explanation, it was simple and informative. |
Jak&Daxter'sgirl Unregistered guest | What's Ace Combat? Let me guess it's a military kinda game? o u know what else of game I like Eskimo3 & MonkeyJ? I like Dancedance Revolution aka DDR! But u know my most favoritist game in the world, it's Jak3, Jak's HOT!![]() |
Jak&Daxter'sgirl Unregistered guest | or a girl? I have no idea! |
Silver Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 166 Registered: Dec-04 | Boy, and that's kinda weird that an animated character is hot (don't mean to be rude) I just saw The Village last night, the only thing that was bad about that movie was that...oh wait have either of you seen it? |
Jak&Daxter'sgirl Unregistered guest | I was kidding! Jeez! I was giving u a clue that I'm a girl...& no I haven't seen it... I was kidding! ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: MavPost Number: 43 Registered: Dec-04 | Are you a heshe? |
Bronze Member Username: MavPost Number: 45 Registered: Dec-04 | Sorry i could not help myself. |
Silver Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 212 Registered: Dec-04 | LOL and LOL!!!!!!! |
Silver Member Username: Monkey_man_jackPost Number: 213 Registered: Dec-04 | LOL |
Silver Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 233 Registered: Dec-04 | I know you were kidding, I mean why would I think that you think an animated character's hot. |
Jak&Daxter'sgirl Unregistered guest | U guys r starting 2 annoy me & starting 2 piss me off again... |
Silver Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 252 Registered: Dec-04 | Sorry I'll stop but NO MEAN TO BE RUDE but do you turn into like the Hulk or something when you get mad![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 253 Registered: Dec-04 | Kidding. |
Anonymous | my top ten games : 1. Socom 2 2. Madden 2005 3. MGS 3 - Snake eater 4. GTA: San andreas 5. MGS - Sons of liberty 6. ESPN 2k5 College hoops 7. Call of Duty: finest hour 8. Ghost Recon 2 9. killzone 10. crazy taxi SOCOM 2 is 10x better than SOCOM 1... and its better than ghost recon my favorite movie is caddyshack and my favorite bands are OAR, Dispatch, Moe., Jack johnson, Rusted Root, BOB MARLEY, and incubus. |
Anonymous | my top ten games : 1. Socom 2 2. Madden 2005 3. MGS 3 - Snake eater 4. GTA: San andreas 5. MGS - Sons of liberty 6. ESPN 2k5 College hoops 7. Call of Duty: finest hour 8. Ghost Recon 2 9. killzone 10. crazy taxi SOCOM 2 is 10x better than SOCOM 1... and its better than ghost recon my favorite movie is caddyshack and my favorite bands are OAR, Dispatch, Moe., Jack johnson, Rusted Root, BOB MARLEY, and incubus. |
craiggrant Unregistered guest | my top 10 are games 1san andras 2burnout3 3conflictdesertstorm2 4black and white 5heros of might and magic 4 6vice city 7the incredables 8dragonballz bodaki 3 9pokamon colasem 10desracshon derby arena sorry about any spelling mistakes |
Unregistered guest | 1 MGS3 snake eater 2 NBA live 2005 3 Def Jam fight 4 NY 4 GTA san andreas 5 Call of duty FINEST HOURS 6 LOTR return of the king 7 TEKKEN [series] 8 shukoden 2 9 FINAL fantasy 7 10 FINAL FANTASY 12 [coming soon] this is the best games so far, u wont regret it |
Silver Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 546 Registered: Dec-04 | I changed my mind, I bought COD:Finest Hour, and Ace5, my top 2 fav. games, AWSOME!!!!!! |
Silver Member Username: British_powerPost Number: 560 Registered: Jan-05 | ya finest hour its cool but short |
Daniel Brown Unregistered guest | These are thee games 10.James Bond 007 Nightfire 9.Madden 2005 8.NBA Live 2005 7.GTA Vice City 6.Grand theft auto:San Andreas 5.Ratchet and Clank up your Arsenal 4.Thug 2 3.Mercenaries 2.RESIDENT EVIL 4 1.SOCOM 2 (mostly online) Thats right get all these games and your the biggest hardcore gamer (get hooked up online to your luv it) |
Silver Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 567 Registered: Dec-04 | I can't, don't have broadband. |
Silver Member Username: British_powerPost Number: 567 Registered: Jan-05 | nightfire is fun |
Silver Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 598 Registered: Dec-04 | GTA3 is fun, boring though, can anyone tell be how to get the bridge repaired? |
Silver Member Username: British_powerPost Number: 622 Registered: Jan-05 | GTA3? |
San Andreas Fan Unregistered guest | San Andreas is the best game for PS2 ever!! |
Silver Member Username: British_powerPost Number: 641 Registered: Jan-05 | blood gore i dont my game |
Silver Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 623 Registered: Dec-04 | You can r-a-p-e people? I traded 3 for Vice City. I'm on yhe riot part and the one that you kill the pizza guy. |
Silver Member Username: British_powerPost Number: 692 Registered: Jan-05 | kind of take them to the back of a car have sex kill the |
Silver Member Username: British_powerPost Number: 693 Registered: Jan-05 | i mean kill them |
Anonymous | my top ten games- fantasy 7(every final fantasy sucks after this one exept 11 cuz i havent tried it yet ![]() 2.mgs 3 snake eater 3.THUG1 4.starwars battlefront(best starwars game) 5.medal of honor frontline 6.GTA San Andreas 7.007 nightfire 8.prince of persia: the sands of time 9.SSX3 10.splinter cell pandora tomorrow movies: 1.Full Metal Jacket (a must see) 2.Star Wars The Empire Stikes Back 3.Star Wars The Clone Wars 4.Saving Private Ryan 5.Donnie Darko 6.The Nightmare Before Christmas 7.Scary Movie 2 8.Half Baked 9.Big Daddy 10.The Jerky boys movie cd's 1.choking victim - no managers no gods 2.leftover crack -mediocre generica 3.any casualties cd 4.Nirvana unplugged in new york 5.nirvana from the muddy banks of wishka |
Silver Member Username: British_powerPost Number: 734 Registered: Jan-05 | battlefronts fun except its short |
Silver Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 648 Registered: Dec-04 | I don't know how to pick up hookerz, not my style anyway, the only reason I would is to gain life, and jump out of the car when it's heading for water. |
Silver Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 649 Registered: Dec-04 | Now I'm on the Gardiun Angels part, when you have to protect Lance and Diaz from the gunfire. |
Silver Member Username: British_powerPost Number: 763 Registered: Jan-05 | wut is this in constaintine the game |
Silver Member Username: British_powerPost Number: 763 Registered: Jan-05 | wut is this in constaintine the game |
Silver Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 728 Registered: Dec-04 | Live...LIVE!!!! |
Gold Member Username: British_powerPost Number: 1143 Registered: Jan-05 | ok... |
Silver Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 740 Registered: Dec-04 | I meant the thread. |
Gold Member Username: British_powerPost Number: 1172 Registered: Jan-05 | oooooooooo |
Silver Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 750 Registered: Dec-04 | What's up with the ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-ing? |
Gold Member Username: British_powerPost Number: 1186 Registered: Jan-05 | i dunnooooooooooooooooo lol |
New member Username: StarsPost Number: 10 Registered: Apr-05 | yeah those games r fun 2 play |
Silver Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 795 Registered: Dec-04 | Why does everyone like GTA3 better than Vice City? |
Loud Unregistered guest | Is it only me who thinks Dave Mirra BMX2 is a good game? |
New member Username: ScottywCanada Post Number: 2 Registered: Apr-05 | here are 10 of the some kinda order... 1. GTA San Andreas 2. Metal Gear 3....absolutely awesome 3. Madden 2005 4. Tiger Woods 2005...Just bought it and haven't put it down!!! Great game ifyou like golf. 5. GTA Vice City 6. Call of Duty 7. NHL 2004...what a crappy job EA did on 2005 8. Star Wars Battlefront 9. Need for Speed 2 10. LOTR3 |
Silver Member Username: Eskimo3Post Number: 835 Registered: Dec-04 | Call of Duty: Finest Hour is the best WWII game ever! |
Gold Member Username: British_powerPost Number: 1234 Registered: Jan-05 | ya really that game is hell of fun but its short |
Unregistered guest | My top ten (PS2) 1. Gran Turismo 4 2. Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater 3. 3GTA - San Andreas 4. Gran Turismo 3 5. Need 4 Speed - Underground 2 6. Metal Gear Solid 2 - Sons Of Liberty 7. Ghost Recon 2 8. WRC 2 Extreme 9. Need 4 Speed - Underground 10.NBA Live 2004 |
Gold Member Username: British_powerPost Number: 1285 Registered: Jan-05 | hela hell of which 1 do u prefer |
AVPfan410 Unregistered guest | here is my list of top ten games of all time... 1.God Of War(kick @$$) 2.Devil May Cry 3 3.Ratchet and Clank 3 4.GTA:San Andreas 5.Silent Hill 4 6.Grand torismo 4 7.Need for Speed underground 2 8.Liesure Suit Larry:Manga C*m Laude 9.Mortal Kombat:Deception(PS2) 10.Constantine(the one based on the movie) |
Silver Member Username: JakdaxtersgirlPost Number: 456 Registered: Feb-05 | okay, here's some games that I enjoy in ps2 & xbox by genre: Action/Adventure 1. Metal Gear Solid 3 2. Jak 3 3. Jak II 4. Jak and Daxter Science Fiction/Fantasy 1. Halo 2 2. Halo 3. Brute Force Fighting 1. Dead or Alive 3 2. Soul Calibur II 3. Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance Horror 1. Resident Evil 3 2. Silent Hill 4 Super Hereo... 1. Spider Man 2 I'm still playing other games but these r my favs in these genres! ^^ |
kari Unregistered guest | tony hawks underground is the best all the other games aint got nuthin |
AxlRoseROX Unregistered guest | I Think Pacman,FF7 and Legend of the dragoon are best games even if they are old games Dont mean they aint good games! |
New member Username: DarkninjaPost Number: 1 Registered: Jun-05 | Favourite 5 pS2 Games 1.Dynasty Warriors 4-3-5(in that order) 2.Final Fantasy 10 3.Need 4 Speed Underground 2 4.Tekken 4 5.Kessen (all of 'em) |
satchm0 Unregistered guest | GOD OF WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! best game on the face of earth |
Bronze Member Username: RovinPost Number: 40 Registered: Jul-05 | i like 1)Silent hill 2,3,4 - u will sh!t your pants ! 2)need for speed ; hot pursuit 2 (my all time fav car racing game - 10 times better than underground i say) 3)Burnout 3 4)Resident evil - series 5)MGS 6)Gta - series 7)Spiderman 1,2 8)devil may cry - series 9)fighting games like Tekken tag ,king of fighters series , soul caliber 2 ,marvel vs capcom 2 (like old school MK like 1,2,3,4 & Trilogy but NOT really the new 1s) 10)metal slug 3,4,5 - short but enjoyable ......... |
Anonymous | 1 god of war 2 vice city 3 tekken 5 4 special needs cop 5 burnout 3 6 Dynasty warriors 7 Prince of persia 8 special needs cop 9 pat kennedy's awesome adventures in 'stralia 10 battlefront 11 san andreas (really overated) |
Anonymous | mercenaries is a fun game just to blow stuff up. |
Tall1 Unregistered guest | 1 God of War 2 GTA San Andreas 3 Pandora Tomorrow 4 Socom 2 5 Half Life 6 Tiger Woods 05 7 Tekken 5 8 P.O.P Warrior Within 9 Vice City 10 The Punisher |
dynamo1697 Unregistered guest | can't be botherd to do my own list but i take a look at a good chart site which has todays hottest and all-time classic game charts its a pretty good site actually i saw the post from 'got any cheats topic' so here it is if you want to take a look |
Bronze Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 92 Registered: Jul-05 | Zone of the Enders 2 is the coolest looking game of all-time, but its kinda short |
Silver Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 684 Registered: Jul-05 | "Zone of the Enders 2" - naw i don't like that ,don't like mech games @ all ! Fighting/driving is my thing .... |
Silver Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 108 Registered: Jul-05 | To each his/her own |
Silver Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 109 Registered: Jul-05 | I will play anything except turn based rpg's, takes to long to play |
Anonymous | 1. F.F. 7 2. F.F. 10 3. san andreas 4. spiderman 2 5. path of neo 6. gran tourismo 3 (other systems) 7. zelda on n64 8. mario cart 64 9. bond golden eye 10. perfect dark 1 |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 2093 Registered: Jul-05 | to me san andreas was the worst GTA |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 3117 Registered: Jul-05 | Well i like the Crash Bandicoot series & yesterday i got the latest called 'crash tag team racing ' & i like it alot ...................... |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 2098 Registered: Jul-05 | all racing games with death or destruction is funn |
Bronze Member Username: Eazy_eChi Town, IL Post Number: 11 Registered: Nov-05 | The best game ever produced do to the time it was produced at is Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Libirty because it came out in 2001 and still up to 2day the graphics in that game are one of the best I have played ever I didn't say it has the best graphics but it is one of the top 5 games produced based on its graphics |
nout Unregistered guest | 1. Zelda - The Ocarina of Time 2. Zelda - Majora's Mask 3. Super Mario 64 4. Zelda - The Wind Waker 5. Mario Kart Double Dash 6. Resident Evil 4 7. Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time 8. Super Mario Sunshine 9. Metroid Prime 10. Metroid Prime Echoes oh wait...Playstation games...he he allright then...if I can find 10 games...just kidding...I don't particularly favour one system over another...although I think the Zelda series on the N64 are unbeaten, even GC's Wind Waker I prefer over all (more) recent games on all systems. Here's the Playstation list: 1. ICO 2. Shadow of the Colussus 3. Resident Evil 4 4. Metal Gear Solid 5. GTA San Andreas 6. GTA Vice City 7. Rez (very cool!) 8. Metal Gear Solid 3 9. Gran Turismo 3 10. Silent Hill 3 |
Unregistered guest | Top Ten PS2 Games That I Own 10.Ratchet and Clank 9.Jax and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy 8.Need For Speed Underground 7.Amplitude 6.Crash Tag Team Racing 5.Super Monkey Ball Deluxe 4.Katamari Damacy 3.Final Fantasy X 2.Eye Toy 1.Sly 3 Honor Among Thieves |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 2579 Registered: Jul-05 | cody how old are u |
Bronze Member Username: XscannerPost Number: 18 Registered: Jan-06 | mine: MGS 3: snake eater.. this one rucckkkzzzz God of war Resident evil 4 NBA live 2006 ace combat 5 Need for speed 2 undaground Medal of honor : european assault Final fantasy X Burnout 3 Death by degrees bonus;;;; Tekken 5 |
New member Username: DishfanBrampton, ON Canada Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-06 | Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater GTA San Andreas Metal Gear Solid 2 GTA Vice City Resident Evil 4 GTA 3 Burnout 3 Ratchet and Clank Up Your Arsenal Prince of Persia Sands of Time LOTR Return of the King |
Gold Member Username: Project6Post Number: 6012 Registered: Dec-03 | I like Prince of Persia. Very intuitive controls. |
Johnny Rotten Unregistered guest | Jak and Daxter girl is my goddess now i love u my fav games same as urs!! lol |
New member Username: GsolidAlajuelita, San jose Costa rica Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-06 | My top ten games of all time are: 1-Final Fantasy X 2-Metal gear solid 3 3-God of war 4-Metal gear solid 2 5-Gran Turismo 4 6-GTA San Andreas 7-Pro Evolution Soccer 4 8-Tekken 5 9-Devil may cry 1 10-Gran Turismo 3 |
Silver Member Username: Monkey_man_jackPost Number: 501 Registered: Dec-04 | geeze, this topic is still up here, i started it like 2 years ago! whic hwas liek the last ime i was on, then icome back and it's still here |
Gold Member Username: GavincummNew York USA Post Number: 1114 Registered: Feb-05 | hmm... have any of you guys ever played Katamari? Its a pointless game where you roll things up into the "katamari" trying to make stars, the bigger you get, they bigger the things you can roll up, such as people, buildings, cars, clouds, mountains, eventually everything. It does have a goal, and that is you have to get to a certain size within a given time. I have not played it in a while, but I believe that there were a ton of levels. |
New member Username: Shook3nPost Number: 2 Registered: Jan-07 | what about ffx or mgs series? |
New member Username: DoreenakadjsPost Number: 9 Registered: Mar-07 | Resdiental Evils...Metal gears,, |
New member Username: GsolidAlajuelita, San jose Costa rica Post Number: 2 Registered: Mar-06 | Check out my list: 1-God of war 2-Metal Gear Solid 2 3-Shadow of the Colossus 4-Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 5-Final Fantasy X 6-Winning Eleven 10 7-Devil May Cry 8-Gran Turismo 4 9-Prince of Persia: Sands of time 10-Okami |
Silver Member Username: Bumpin612sPost Number: 116 Registered: Jan-07 | gta 3, gta vice city, gta san andreas, gta liberty city stories, gta vice city stories |
New member Username: SionnachoghmaPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-07 | Is this a joke? This thread started December 2004, and in all that time, ICO has only been mentioned once? EVERYBODY MUST PLAY THIS GAME! No particular order on this list, and in the case of series w/numerous sequels, I'm just naming my fave in the series. GTA San Andreas - Guilty fun at it's finest. Metal Gear Solid 3 - Wow. Just wow. Pro Evo 3 Zone of the Enders - not v.good in retrospect, but in the early days of PS2 it stood out. ICO Spiderman 2 - For those of you who haven't played, imagine old Megadrive/Genesis game Streets of Rage, with a full-roaming 3D New York at your disposal. And spandex tights. Kingdom Hearts - Look at all the cuties! The Punisher - Talk, or you get a labotomy a lA Black & Decker. Tee-hee. Shadow of the Colossus SSX Tricky - Damned if this ever gets old. |
New member Username: Rahman11218Post Number: 3 Registered: Jul-07 | Here are my top 10 games for PS2 1- Final Fantasy X 2- Marvel vs Capcom 2 3- Madden 06 4- Mortal Kombat deception 5- Final Fantasy 12 6- grand theft auto 3 7- Need for Speed underground 1 8- Devil May Cry 3 9- Mortal Kombat Armageddons 10- Metal Gear Solid 2 Comment it if you think it don't deserve it to be on that list number |
New member Username: Sonik504Swansea, West Glamorgan Wales Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-07 | Favourite 10 PS2 Games Ever(in order): 1:THUG 1(best skating game EVER) 2:GTA:SA(an awesome game but just not my fave) 3:Timesplitters:Future Perfect(this is one of the best FPS's ever) 4:Gran Turismo 4(best racing game ever) 5:Gran Turismo 3:A-Spec(2nd best racing game ever) 6:MTV Music Generator 2(you can make top-notch quality songs with this) 7:Pro Evolution Soccer 4(best soccer game ever) 8:Worms 3D(it's Worms, it's 3D and it's PS2!) 9:Crash Bandicoot:The Wrath Of Cortex(best platformer ever) 10:Smuggler's Run(hard but fun) 6:Killzone |
New member Username: Sonik504Swansea, West Glamorgan Wales Post Number: 2 Registered: Aug-07 | Whoops, take off the Killzone thing, that was an accident! |
Silver Member Username: Big_edge_headMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 416 Registered: Mar-07 | metal gear solid series hands down |
New member Username: Apocalypse_88GaboroneBotswana Post Number: 1 Registered: Nov-07 | 1.PES2008 2.PES06 3.PES05 4.FIFA 08 5.NBA Live 06 6.FIFA Street 2 7.Bulletproof 8.Tomb raider 9.Tekken 5 10.Raw Vs Smackdown 2008 ![]() ![]() |