Do expensive interconnects really make a difference?


Bronze Member
Username: Ornlu

Post Number: 39
Registered: Apr-04
Sorry if this question is stpid but does it really make a difference? I bought monster interconnects(cheap ones.. like $10 a pair) and they seem fine. Would more expensive interconnects make any noticeable difference at all?

I know this is probably a touchy subject, but I'm interested in the response.

Silver Member
Username: Joe_c

Oakwood, Ga

Post Number: 667
Registered: Mar-05
depends on the quality of your equipment but no, probably not.

Silver Member
Username: Touche6784


Post Number: 482
Registered: Nov-04
yea the subject is kinda touchy. people on both sides are pretty adamant about their opinions. as long as there is good insulation, good terminations, and decent gauge wiring then you are fine. next time buy Acoustic Research interconnects, they are cheaper and equal to monster.

Silver Member
Username: Joe_c

Oakwood, Ga

Post Number: 670
Registered: Mar-05
I agree, but if you are connecting +$1000pr spkrs and +$600 stereo amp or +$1000 surround amp I would say invest a little more. This of course would not apply to every purchase but is a close guideline I think.
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