Well guys, Should be about time that some of us have received your gift....or will be receiving very shortly. Just wanted to see how it went with everyone and how they liked what they got. I know some of you got/will be getting hooked up.
So with that said, have you received yet and if you have, how do you like your gift?
i got mine and i was really suprised when i got it. its really nice. i will definately be able to use it. clarion eqs746!!!!!!!!!! i dont know if i am supposed to say who its from because some people haven't gotten thiers yet so i will just say THANK YOU VERY MUCH. you know who you are.
and again thanks to you yanks for putting this all together. round of applause for yanks
Good to hear Phil. Glad you can use it man. Thank you for the applause.
And don't worry guys, you'll receive yours soon enough. Ive talked to pretty much everyone and most are in transit or will be in transit soon. Mine should be here Monday I believe.
Sounds good guys. Berny, sorry to set up with a person on the opposite coast . Hope shipping wasn't too bad. If it was bad, let me know and I'll go 50/50 on it.
nah shipping wasn't bad yanks. I just got caught up in the xmas shipping time frame. So he might not get it on the date that people usually get their packages. So we'll see.