Ok, I have the JBL GT 1201.1 II amp. It can be wired into 4ohms, or 2ohms stable. Now It has two speaker terminals, like a 2ch amp would, and the instructions said its for easier hook up for multiple subwoofers. So I have 2 4ohms SVC and I want to hook down into 2ohms, but since the amp has 2 inputs, if I put each subwoofer on there own input, is it going to down it to 2 automaticly? or what. Kinda get what i'm sayin, its kinda hard. I will post a pic if you need help. My last question, is is there a problem with mixing a 10" woofer and a 12" woofer, both 4ohms SVC, and could be wired down to 2ohms. Would that work or just mess things up? Let me know.