alright im a compltete noob to anything wiring related. i just got my pioneer 680 in the mail and i want to wire it but im not sure how, do u just cut the wires strip them and crimp them to the HU wires? then just plug in the rest of the stuff? and will the wire colors be the saem i have a grand prix 2001
Dont just cut the wires, unless your hardcore broke!! if you have like 20 bucks, run to ur local audio shop such as like a best by or circuit city and ask about a wiring kit for your head unit. With those bad boys you just through a few wires togather and its a piece of cake....self explanitory.
if you feel confident....extremely can look up a wiring diagram on the interney for your grand prix and cap the wires togather...that is way more difficult and not a lot of room for mistake because the car wire gets smaller and smaller.....i learned that the hard way
lol i capped all of them together and just cut them cause the wiring harness that was suppose to fit didnt the person that owned it before me screwed it up bubt ya its not worth it just get the harness from best buy or circuit city for like 20 bucks
haha charlie...i did the same thing my first about hell. internet wiring diagrams always wrong and stuff...haha after i ended up hookin it up for like the 3rd tiem and blowing 2 different fuses from hitting wire to medal... i hooked it up so the damn thing only works when the lights are on... and im still not sure what i did wrong
P.S. i use the ... way to much i just realized haha
lol mine still works fine ever since i hooked it up it has looks like you had some bad luck but if you dont have any experience with wires i would never recommened doing that MIke im sure alot of people have done the same thing out there they need to make it so every car uses the same exact harness lol
im just not understanding, last time my friend put in my HU he just cut the wires and crimped the old ones to the wairing harness it came with..... sorry im an idiot lol
ya bryce, what we are trying to say is that you can go to circuit city and buy a "wiring harness" and it costs like 20 bucks or something and you primp togather different wires that line up color to color....
otherwise u can stick with what ur friend did and crimp togather the wires of ur car and the wires of the factory head unit....the only problem is the colors dont match up and there isnt a lot of room for error because the wires are not very long
a harness is like a little package that you buy, and no you dont have to cut the wires, it used that little white box at the end of the wires just like ur factory head unit did and changed them into wires that are pre-colored to the head unit you bought so u just crimp or cap those wires togather.
oh ok but last time we did it on my 94 3000GT the colors matched up perfectly, so can go somehwwere to buy a wiring harness specific for my car? and i have no circuit city within 45 minutes of me lol what about bestbuy?
ya best buy may have it, check out their website first im not positive but yes i believe they will. Fried may actually work as well, i donno any major electronics place
about last time and the colors matching up, i donno about that one, someone else would have to help u out with that, ive never heard of that before without a harness
1st time i ever wired up a HU all the wires were already cut from the previous owner. i did it 1st try. with a little mixup with the ignition and constant power wires, because there opposite of what i was told.