Typical installation price?


Bronze Member
Username: Erikdagenerik

Livermore, CA US

Post Number: 60
Registered: Aug-05
i've always done my sub/amp/deck installations myself in the past. however, i've been super busy lately, plus i want a super clean job done on my acura TL. ultimately, i'd rather just pay a shop to do it. a local reputable shop by my house will install it for under $200 they said. he broke it down to $65/hr and usually it takes no more than 2.5 hrs. what's the typical price nowadays? i live in northern california if that makes any difference. thanks.

Gold Member
Username: Theelfkeeper

Stockbridge, GA USA

Post Number: 1770
Registered: Feb-05
depends on where you go. a lot of places charge for everything they do, $$ for HU, $$ for wireing, $$ for box...ect...ect and it'll add up to be about an arm and a leg...sometimes 2 arms, lol.

by the hour could kill you too though if they decide to take their sweet a/ss time.

Bronze Member
Username: Makmillion

United States

Post Number: 61
Registered: Apr-06
Find a shop that will do it by the job, not by the hour, and has a great install warranty.


Gold Member
Username: Young_james


Post Number: 1182
Registered: Sep-05
^^^I agree.........by the hour sucks. You never know what "problems" they will run in to which will cost you more time

Silver Member
Username: Lewass

Boomfield Hills, MI USA

Post Number: 622
Registered: Jan-06
Hey man post pics when it's done, I am potentially getting a 3.2 TL and would love to see how the install comes out.
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