Bronze Member Username: Pasqual1320Post Number: 39 Registered: Feb-06 | How much do the re sx15's cost i went to the re website and there were no prices |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 5785 Registered: Jul-05 | old prices in had in my pc could be more , call them 2 find out Resonant Engineering Pricelist (note prices do not include shipping and handling charges) RE8- $49 RE10- $59 RE12- $69 SE10- $149 SE12- $169 SE15- $199 SX10- $239 SX12- $249 SX15- $269 SX18- $309 XXX10- $359 XXX12- $369 XXX15- $399 XXX18- $429 MT10- $409 MT12- $419 MT15- $449 MT18- $479 there is a $25 charge to upgrade the MT or TripleX line to a quad voice coil configuration. ------------- RE - 175wRMS -- DVC 4 ohm SE - 600wRMS -- DVC 4 ohm SX - 1000wRMS -- DVC 2 ohm XXX - 1600wRMS -- DVC 2 ohm, QVC 2 & 1 available MT - 2500wRMS to 5000wRMS -- DVC .7 & 1.4 ohm, QVC .7 & 1.4 ohm Casey Wood has a 15" SX for sale ........ |
Silver Member Username: Safe_crackerChicago, IL US Post Number: 267 Registered: Jan-06 | $290 shipped. |
Bronze Member Username: Pasqual1320Post Number: 40 Registered: Feb-06 | REally thats cheaper than i thought |
Bronze Member Username: Pasqual1320Post Number: 41 Registered: Feb-06 | What do u guys prever sx or xxx i hear the MT arent that good because they dont come with a warranty b/c of the damage they may make |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 5793 Registered: Jul-05 | last i read - xxx is unavailable/sold out mths now RE is also supposed 2 release entire new product lines too in upcoming wks ......... |
Gold Member Username: Tdeaton1021Near Tampa, Florida USA Post Number: 2061 Registered: Sep-04 | no because of the abuse they may take lol the xxx is an SQL driver, the new one is $650 for the 15 the sx is SPL orientated driver that sounds quite good at getting loud too. some1, i think its casey wood, has one hes selling for 240 i think and its brand new. |
Bronze Member Username: Pasqual1320Post Number: 43 Registered: Feb-06 | i think im gonna go with a sx 15 with a ported box that will be plenty for my little corolla |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 5795 Registered: Jul-05 | also check out they got some gr8 new stuff too ....... |
Bronze Member Username: Pasqual1320Post Number: 44 Registered: Feb-06 | yea i checked ascendatns before i looked at the assassins but i would like something that will run around 800-1000w rms |
Bronze Member Username: Pasqual1320Post Number: 45 Registered: Feb-06 | and the havocs are a little too much for me 1500 rms i cant afford a amp for that and the arsenalds at 750 are good but i think my best bet is going with the RE's dont you think i hear they have great sq ( ive heard the same for ascendant line) |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 5797 Registered: Jul-05 | Yep - 1 15" SX with either a kicker/orion 1200 amp off ebay will SLAM ! ...... |
Bronze Member Username: Pasqual1320Post Number: 47 Registered: Feb-06 | i know i dont kno much but how much is a kicker/orion 1200 amp? |
Bronze Member Username: Pasqual1320Post Number: 48 Registered: Feb-06 | it is going to be sitting in a trunk of a 97 corolla le |
Silver Member Username: Safe_crackerChicago, IL US Post Number: 269 Registered: Jan-06 | mZ5869631014QQcategoryZ79829QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem |
Silver Member Username: Safe_crackerChicago, IL US Post Number: 270 Registered: Jan-06 | Better grab one or two or three, great price for a great amp! My sx's look just like that but it is digital and I paid A LOT more for my two! Polo.. |
Bronze Member Username: Pasqual1320Post Number: 51 Registered: Feb-06 | Man to use this amp i would totally have to rewire everything and replace most of the wires that sux no place around this run down city sells this stuff any1 know wheree to get these 2 power rings for 1/0 gauge cable 1/0 gauge power cable (to connect the battery to a fuse holder and the fuse holder to the amplifier) 1/0 gauge ground cable Remote turn-on cable One set of stereo RCA patch cables |
Silver Member Username: Safe_crackerChicago, IL US Post Number: 272 Registered: Jan-06 | If that is the only amp you can use 2ga. Buy the amp and ask the seller to sell you some supplies for it bet he has all you need and will be anxious to sell it to you, lol. Polo.. |
Bronze Member Username: Pasqual1320Post Number: 52 Registered: Feb-06 | all i have rite now is a wallmart wiring kit up to 1300 watts but that was only 25$ it works for the piece of Sh!t im running now |
Silver Member Username: SixFlint, MI U.S.A. Post Number: 392 Registered: Oct-05 | Pasqual, The SX has no SQ compared to the Arsenals or Ava for that matter. Baseball an I both testify that the Avalanche has greater SQ than the SX and the same SPL with the same power. (The arsenal has greater SQ and SPL than the avalanche with the same power) |
Silver Member Username: Safe_crackerChicago, IL US Post Number: 274 Registered: Jan-06 | SiX what enclosures are you using to base these results? Curious...Polo. |
Silver Member Username: SixFlint, MI U.S.A. Post Number: 397 Registered: Oct-05 | hmm ask baseball what his sx15 was ported @ and cubic ft... I heard a 15" ava in 3.5 cubes tuned to 30 hz, given 800-1000 wrms and it owned my buddies sx15 in a 3.? cuft box tuned to 32 hz given the same power... SQ was way better of course, while the Spl was nearly identical... |
Silver Member Username: Baseball1187Columbia, SC Post Number: 599 Registered: Dec-04 | my SX and Avalanche were in the same box run off of the same amp. I had both at the same time so my comparisons should be pretty accurate. SQ from the Avalanche ruled, the SX however did maintain some musical qualities, just not up to par with the Avalanche. As far as SPL, going in to a great debate about their differences would be stupid, they are very similar with only one main difference. Below 45hz the Avalanche is on top, with a distinct advantage below 35hz. Obove around 50hz, the SX would have the advantage in output. Overall, if I had the choice between the two, I would take the Avalanche anyday. Now, SiX compares his Avalanche and Arsenal and says the Arsenal wins in both categories... it seems like a simple decision to me as to which I would take... and after the reputation Ascendant has built in such a short time, why not give them a try? plus, everybody has an SX! ![]() |
Silver Member Username: SixFlint, MI U.S.A. Post Number: 406 Registered: Oct-05 | And there we have it folks, my observations have just been true not only through my ears, but other audiophiles' ears as well... |
Silver Member Username: Baseball1187Columbia, SC Post Number: 600 Registered: Dec-04 | yes.. lol me=audiophile ![]() |
Silver Member Username: SixFlint, MI U.S.A. Post Number: 409 Registered: Oct-05 | Its a shame... I think I caught the disease a while back as well... |
Silver Member Username: SixFlint, MI U.S.A. Post Number: 411 Registered: Oct-05 | wtf. bump! |
resx Unregistered guest | will the sx slam wit the re 12.1 |
Bronze Member Username: Teddy21Ann Arbor, MI USA Post Number: 27 Registered: Feb-06 | how much is the Arsenal? just wondering i have a 12" SX and i only got 600 watts going to it, i really can't tell you how much bass comes out of it for just being one 12, i could see how you say the SQ could be better but this is by far the best subwoofer i have owned. |
Silver Member Username: SixFlint, MI U.S.A. Post Number: 416 Registered: Oct-05 | 1 15" Arsenal is $275 + $20 shipping = $295 shipped from AA... |