ORION H2 12.2 2000 watts rms only gettin 230..HELP! OPINION?


New member
Username: Jeffless600

Post Number: 2
Registered: Feb-06
helllo everyone, well i got a 2001 crown victoria with a monster truck. Instead of going with what i orgianlly planned on saving for "2 kicker solobaric L7 12"s or 15"s, i was to anxious about getting a sub i saw what looked like a decent deal on a 12" orion h2 in a subzone vented box made just for it. i think the box's 1.50 cubic feet or 1.75. ANYWAY, i have it hooked up to a CRAPPYY free DUAL 2 channel amp set in briged mode, it says it puts out 230watts in briged mode. So the sub seems to be running weak and it cutts off when i turn the vol up after a short period of time...this i expected. But my question is.. Once i get a amp to actually run this baby..say 1500 watts RMS instead of 230...how much of a diffrence in SPL and quality...overall loudness...etc do u think i will experience??

And what amp do u guys recomend for the orion h2...i want to get as much outta this sub as i can .

Gold Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 1275
Registered: Sep-05
2500rms will make that sub happy, it will be enough to shake that crown vic. you will also need a good charging system for that amplifier.
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