Mono amp


Silver Member
Username: Blainew

Post Number: 213
Registered: Nov-05
f u wire two one ohm to each channel of a mono still is a grand total of one ohm??? so the amp will play at the rated watts for 1 ohm....even if u have 2 separate one ohm speakers to each channel??? is that right?

Gold Member
Username: Rovin

Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 3457
Registered: Jul-05
from what i read up on it - a mono is just that, = 1 channel

amp manufactures put 2 + & 2 -'s just 2 make it convenient for the sake of making it easy

so if ur amp is 1ohm stable & u wan to run 2 subs then u still need to get (2) 4omhs dvc subs . ............

Silver Member
Username: Blainew

Post Number: 214
Registered: Nov-05
but if i get (2) 4 ohm dvc...i wire that down to one ohm...but when u wire two subs togethr...there are only two wires in the then one negative and one positive would be not used....wouldnt it be better to get (2) 2 ohm dvc...and wire each one down to two that i have 4 wires in the end...thus..using both negatives and both positives???

Silver Member
Username: Islandboy808

Mililani, Hawaii US

Post Number: 170
Registered: Nov-05
all the wiring wil be used.u conneect all the positives to the positive side on the amp and all the negatives on the negative side of the amp.that will make a 1 ohm load.make sure that you have an amp that is 1 ohm stable.correct me if im wrong anyone.

Silver Member
Username: Blainew

Post Number: 215
Registered: Nov-05
but thomas....if i wire (2) 4 ohm DVC's down to one ohm...there will be only two wires in the end..therfore..two wire terminals will be left unused...when u parallel/parallel (2) 4 ohm dvcs..u get a one ohm load...but u only have two wires..bc the subs are connected..

does anyone know what i should do??

the amp says 2000 RMS @ one ohm per channel

i think this means..u can use all neg. pos. terminals..and get 1000 RMS out of each channel making 2000 RMS

and if u just use one channel get 2000 RMS...but it just doesnt seem right to use just two of the terminals...instead of all 4

what do i do?????

Gold Member
Username: Bestmankind

Los Angeles, CA USA

Post Number: 1190
Registered: Oct-05
i thought you said your amp was a mono amp. that means you only have one channel.

Silver Member
Username: Blainew

Post Number: 216
Registered: Nov-05
it is a the manual it says "2000 watts rms..with a one ohm load per channel they mean each neg. and pos. set...

there are two negatives and two positives on this amp...and i dont know what to do

Silver Member
Username: Blainew

Post Number: 217
Registered: Nov-05
does what i said above mean that u can have (2) one ohm loads...two separate speakers..each at 1 ohm...and have the amp read it at one ohm...or will that make it a two ohm load.

its a rockford t20001bd

if someone would look at the manual wold understand what im saying

Silver Member
Username: Islandboy808

Mililani, Hawaii US

Post Number: 175
Registered: Nov-05
so u are saying that u have seperate compartments for the subs in the box right.

Gold Member
Username: Bestmankind

Los Angeles, CA USA

Post Number: 1192
Registered: Oct-05
there are 2 + and 2 - cause they don't want you to bunch up 2 cables in to one terminal. if you only have one sub then you only need to use one set of terminals and if you have two subs then you would use both sets terminals. either way your amp will put out its rated power even if you don't use both sets of terminals.

Silver Member
Username: Blainew

Post Number: 218
Registered: Nov-05

Silver Member
Username: Blainew

Post Number: 220
Registered: Nov-05
chad...does that mean that ..lets say i have2 dvc 2 ohm subs...wire each one down to one i have 4 wires

each sub gets its neg. and pos. wired to the corresponding neg. and pos. on the all 4 are used..but its still a grand tgotal of a one ohm load righ????

one ohm for each that means (2) 1 ohm load...that doesnt make it a two ohm load does it????

Silver Member
Username: Islandboy808

Mililani, Hawaii US

Post Number: 181
Registered: Nov-05
u cant wire 2 dvc 2 ohm subs to get a 1 ohm load.u either get a .5,2,or an 8 ohm load

Silver Member
Username: Blainew

Post Number: 222
Registered: Nov-05
i can wire each 2 ohm DVC down to one now i have two subs that are a one ohm load each..they are not connected...and i put each sub into the amp...will that still be a 1 ohm load??

"each sub gets its neg. and pos. wired to the corresponding neg. and pos. on the all 4 are used..but its still a grand tgotal of a one ohm load righ???? "

Silver Member
Username: Islandboy808

Mililani, Hawaii US

Post Number: 182
Registered: Nov-05
hey blaine try this site =Dual+Voice+Coil+-+4+ohms+x+2&image.x=14&image.y=7
and figure out your wiring options

Gold Member
Username: Bestmankind

Los Angeles, CA USA

Post Number: 1200
Registered: Oct-05
no it would be a .5 load. those are just extra terminals.

now i see what you were getting at. don't connect them like that. that amp was not made to handle a .5ohm load.

Silver Member
Username: Blainew

Post Number: 223
Registered: Nov-05
i know u cannot wire 2 2 ohm dvcs TOGETHER and get 1 ohm...

but u can wire EACH sub separatly and get one ohm each

what i am asking is....if you have TWO one ohm loads going into an amp..both negatives are used..and both positives are do i have a ONE ohm load or not???

Silver Member
Username: Islandboy808

Mililani, Hawaii US

Post Number: 184
Registered: Nov-05
if u get the 4 ohm dvc version then that would be a 1ohm load

Silver Member
Username: Blainew

Post Number: 224
Registered: Nov-05
and then two terminals would be unused ..and that is fine??

but why not use (2) 2 ohm dvcs....bc in the manual it says...2000 RMS with one ohm load per channel...and thats what youd have with (2) 2 ohm dvcs

Gold Member
Username: Bestmankind

Los Angeles, CA USA

Post Number: 1201
Registered: Oct-05
you can wire each to get one ohm each but once you connect it to your amp it will become .5ohm. like i said before both +'s are same and both -'s are same. they just did it separately incase you connect two subs. that way you don't have to bunch 2 cables in to one terminal.

Gold Member
Username: Bestmankind

Los Angeles, CA USA

Post Number: 1202
Registered: Oct-05
yes one ohm per channel but your amp is a mono amp. that means it only has one channel.

Bronze Member
Username: Mwright1000

Post Number: 26
Registered: Dec-05
Aren't mono amps stable at 2 ohms which means you shouldn't run subs at 1 ohm on it?

Silver Member
Username: Blainew

Post Number: 225
Registered: Nov-05 i understand..but..i do not want to wire subs instead... what i do to get it to one ohm to get (2) 4 ohm DVCs..and i wire EACh down to 2 ohms...and when i wire them both to my amp it becomes a one ohm load???

Silver Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 110
Registered: Sep-05
2 1ohm loads? "both negative & postive are used" (thats means parrallel!)
1ohm in parallell with 1ohm = (1*1) / (1+1) = 1/2 = .5ohms

u hook it like that, and lil blue smoke will come out the cracks of that amp...

Gold Member
Username: Bestmankind

Los Angeles, CA USA

Post Number: 1204
Registered: Oct-05
you got it.

martin-not all mono amps are stable at 2ohms. there are many amps that are stable at 1ohm.

Bronze Member
Username: Mwright1000

Post Number: 27
Registered: Dec-05
B so that means I am right in the question above that I asked, correct??


Silver Member
Username: Islandboy808

Mililani, Hawaii US

Post Number: 187
Registered: Nov-05
yes get the 4 ohm dvc versions.thats the only way to get a 1 ohm load.

Silver Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 111
Registered: Sep-05
yes, (2) 4ohms dvcs wired down to 2ohms, then when you put that on your amp, it will become a 1 ohm load. YEP!

Silver Member
Username: Blainew

Post Number: 226
Registered: Nov-05
chad..."you got it" referring to me???

with this question?? i understand..but..i do not want to wire subs instead... what i do to get it to one ohm to get (2) 4 ohm DVCs..and i wire EACh down to 2 ohms...and when i wire them both to my amp it becomes a one ohm load???

Silver Member
Username: Blainew

Post Number: 227
Registered: Nov-05
alright i get it know...sorry for all of that haha

Silver Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 112
Registered: Sep-05
u got it now.. just takes asking

Silver Member
Username: Blainew

Post Number: 228
Registered: Nov-05
so when u have a mono amp with what "looks like" two channels...its only the one channel split to make more whenconnectign two certain loads that are a mono amp...i can think of it as the two loads being wired togethr parallely to make the load cut in half..(with two subs)..if thats right ..i undertsand now

Silver Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 114
Registered: Sep-05
EXACTLY, you got it. Those terminals are hooked together internally! Open up the amp and you will see it! It is for easy hooking up, but confuses more people than any other thing.

Silver Member
Username: Blainew

Post Number: 229
Registered: Nov-05
wow..haha after all that i got it now..thanks for all of your help

Silver Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 115
Registered: Sep-05
=-) we are here to help. lol

Gold Member
Username: Rovin

Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 3471
Registered: Jul-05
Really did not expect 2 see 33 more posts !!!

i though i explained it well enough with the 2nd post on this thread , maybe next time i'll ses if i can put it more detailed -lol .........

Gold Member
Username: Bestmankind

Los Angeles, CA USA

Post Number: 1209
Registered: Oct-05
its a long story rovin. lol

Silver Member
Username: Blainew

Post Number: 230
Registered: Nov-05
+ - / + -
A .. B

that is how the back of the rockfod amp looks....does that change anything that we have talked about...(the A and B being like that)..doesnt change anythign does it?? its still one channel

Silver Member
Username: Blainew

Post Number: 231
Registered: Nov-05
by the way...this is a mono amp..but what are the a and b for...just to make wiring easier????
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