My buddy finally got his RL-P 15" in, and I was really excited to test it out and see how it stacks up agains my Avalanche, and his old Eclipse Alum 15".
He's running 600 wrms to it with an old school pioneer amp.
Nice smooth sound, no nasty metallic-ness like the Eclipse Alum's, even though the RL-P still has an Aluminum cone. It has a pretty tight suspension, and is very fast and accurate, especially for a 15". Low end isn't quite what I thought it was gonna be from what other people had said, but still much better than the Eclipse. It's in a 2.25 cf sealed box, we made it a little bigger so he could squeeze more lows out of it.
It get's pretty dang loud for 600 watts, but I have a feeling it's hungry for more, we'd like to try it out with 1000 wrms.
It's not really that comparable to the Avalanche 15", as it blows the RL-P away in the low end, and the Avy does get considerably louder too, but then again, it's in a totally differenct vehicle with different equipment, so you have to keep that in mind.
To sum it up, great sounding sub, more SQL than anything else. I can't see how it's an SPL monster at all, and the low end definitely isn't what other people have bragged. Awsome for the price though!