anybody use the Kompression Ground Distribution Block. mi'm trying to figure out how to clamp the wires to the block. i tried clamping it to the bolt insert thing and it just crumbled.....
If so, what I did, was stripped the wire, so about 1/8th - 1/4th was left sticking through the other side of the screw-in bolt..(Wont need to be the entire length as some of the wire still protected should fit through). With the wire sticking out the small side, I bent it down around the very lip of the screw piece (notice how that piece isnt shaped for screwing in? ) Then, I simply screwed it into the d-block. These arent the most effective d-blocks in the world, but it did pass my test for being secure.. (I hold the d-block, and have my wife lean back, tugging on the wire to see if it will come free or not).
what if it comes free? does she get mad, lol. thanks. i got a hold of knuK and they said they give me two of the screw-in bolt things as replacements. i thought you were supposed to crimp them, lol. thanks for the help....
It has come free a couple of times.. LOL. (not with this connection, but like in the past with crimped ring terminals, etc..) She stands infront of our leather couch, thank if it is a bad connection, she just ends up throwing herself back onto the couch. ;) Otherwise, I'm afraid I'd have been shot. Over, and over, and over, and over, and over again.