What has better SQ/SPL???One 12L5 or 2 10CompVR's


i wanna get something for my JBL 600.1

subs would be in sealed boxes:
2 10compvr's would have .75 cu ft each
1 12L5 would have 1 cu ft

i see that either set up would fit my amp's RMS nicely but what would be better...

would there be a noticable difference in the two set ups???

i also looked at the Elemental Designs K series...they look good...

how would they compete w/ the 2 10 CompVrs or the L512???

i'd put them in the same box as the CompVrs if i get them....what would be the best of the three???

Silver Member
Username: Its_bacon12

Post Number: 294
Registered: Dec-03
i would say those K series subs, excellent subs...

comp VRs are pretty darn good too but K series can keep up with SPL and they will outperform the VRs in SQ too

i dont bother with the square subs, just not my kinda sub i guess heh

Silver Member
Username: Tbone

OK United States

Post Number: 219
Registered: Feb-04
I don't think that square would sound to good with 1 cubic foot, so I would say the EDs.
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