Noise as a Weapon


Bronze Member
Username: Hellbender

Los Angeles, California USA

Post Number: 63
Registered: Apr-05
I seem to recall reading about a technology that was created during the end of hitler's reign that was built but never fully used or exploited. Some type of noise weapon that used sub-sonic frequencies that could crack tank armor and reduce internal organs to goo. I will have to find that artical and post it here. I think it was some scientific mag like forbes or something .

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Silver Member
Username: Dpaw20


Post Number: 184
Registered: Mar-05
theres also weapons the police force will be using soon that isolate sound waves to make them "tunneled" to a certain target which could be used against people I guess. Science teacher told me a while back...

Gold Member
Username: Jmloughrey

Farmington, CT

Post Number: 1264
Registered: Jul-04
...if the police are gonna be using somethin glike that i sure hope they are smart enough to use ear plugs...

Gold Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 2193
Registered: Aug-04
Yes, it's already been built and tested before. Pretty old technology actually. There was a Popular Science article a while ago about the US military developing "sound cannons" which have the capability of reducing a person to near paralysis. They can even kill subjects if targeted long enough.

Gold Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 2194
Registered: Aug-04
They kinda work like big loud tazers...

Gold Member
Username: James1115

Wilton, Ct

Post Number: 2776
Registered: Dec-04
can I test one on you Nick! that would be fun as sh!t lol

Gold Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 2196
Registered: Aug-04
Naa, we should to shoot one at Hunter...

Gold Member
Username: James1115

Wilton, Ct

Post Number: 2781
Registered: Dec-04
yeah that would work also! lol

Unregistered guest
about the tunneling of sound, Bose supposivly has done that with speakers already, iv heard that from a friend but i was like who cares? cmon tilt your head and you cant hear it anymore, thats lame.
Someone will comeup with a sound canceller, sooner or later. then crime will go upto all time high, car sound alarms that have been cancelled out, Or my idea Portable EMP, so much choas it could do.

Yeah I kind of uh space out and think... alot.
Mother say's that could be dangerous.

Gold Member
Username: Jonathan_f


Post Number: 3874
Registered: May-04
"Someone will comeup with a sound canceller, sooner or later."
They already have, just not to that large degree. Noise cancelling headphones sample the noise outside your ears and recreate that noise with a 180 degree phase shift, so it cancels the noise out (not completely, though).

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 1829
Registered: Jun-04
i saw a show on rippleys believe it or not year and years and years back that they used subsonic frequencies to make small objects levitate....(i actually saw them do this on the show) it blew me away...this was like 20 years ago already i think

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 1830
Registered: Jun-04
they were talkin about the egyptian pyramids and theorizing that they had possible advanced technology i think

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 1831
Registered: Jun-04
i dont put stock in that theory but it was worth seeing that levitation of small objects on rippleys none the less

Unregistered guest
look at sean triple post =/ trying to get that post # up or what?

Have you seen some of the old cities in india i belive, Foutains built into the ground, catacombs of water underneath the town and if the tide were to rise they would have these holes in the ground that would relase the water(foutain) it would stop any time of water pressure from building up...

Yeah so :P

sean when people dont have tv and video games they invent things *GASP* ;)

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 1834
Registered: Jun-04
lol no im not trying to get a higher post rating just that i had some after thoughts...yeah im really beginning to love science and i used to hate it in school
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