i have 2 12'' Mtx subs -200 watts a piece. and one lightning audio bolt 2 channel amp... 460 watts- max. also a sony deck model cdx-7000. when i turn the deck on it all works fine but if i turn the gain up on the amp so it has a little more bass to it the amp goes into protect mode and shuts down. I have no clue what to do, im only 16 and dont have much money at all. PLEASE HELP!!!!
Posted on
First thing I would check is all my connections.But it could be something else possibly a bad sub or the amp.But I would check my wiring first.
Patrick, there's your problem: "if i turn the gain up on the amp so it has a little more bass to it the amp goes into protect mode". The gain/level is not a volume control. You have to set it correctly according to your HU's preout voltage. Most HUs are 4v. By opening up the gain control, you're basically overloading the amp, causing it to go into protection mode. If you do that enough, eventually, it'll break down. I'd advice you to check your HU and amp's manual for the correct voltage setting. You're doing pretty good for a 16 year old. Don't expect great bass/sound quality from Lightning Audio amp and Sony. They are close to the bottom in performance. If you really need more bass, look at different sub/box. If that's not possible, then invest in an equalizer/bass enhancer.
Unregistered guest
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id say its wired incorrectly...probably bridged to 2 ohms. I have never had an amp cut out from turning up a gain if its wired correctly.
Nick_sq, you can easily overload an amp by opening up the gain/level control. It won't happen at low volume, but raise it up and almost every single amp (reasonably good quality) will go into protection.
Unregistered guest
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My Sony does that sometimes, just need an adjustment to the gain. Also, unrelated, but anyone ever dealt with Audiobahn 15" AW1571T subs? Finally blew my AW12t and was wondering what I can expect from these subs in comparison.
having the gain set too high causes the amp to clip and go into thermal protection mode. gain shouldn't be used to compensate for lack of power. if you don't have enough bass, get a bigger amp.
john pat
Unregistered guest
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hi i have a power acoustik amp and it tuns on but will not do any thing help me