Ok, still looking for an amp to push my 2 12" perfects. How would an mtx amp do in the sq department for these subs? my other options were ppi or an orion, but i'm having touble finding either of these in my price range. the subs are 350rms btw. thanks for the help yet again.
im trying to stay under 200. would like to go in the 1-150 range, i know it's low but im poor. they dual voice coil 4ohm...so i could run them at 2ohms i believe. thanks.
Ok, So I took Isaac's advice and went with the mtx 6500d, it was more in my price range. Can you(isaac) or any tell me how this amp will work for my 2 infinity perfects, will it do them justice? give me your toughts. and how should i wire the subs? they are dvc 4ohm. thanks again.