Why do peole talk sh1t about Audiobahn Immortal seris
Unregistered guest
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Aduiobahn is the best subs ever for there price the immortal seris has 2000wrms i hit 157.6 dbs with four 12" audiobahn immortal seris why do people hate them.
yeh nobody talks trash about them spl wise because everyone knows that they can get loud. But in sq every1 says they suck. And for reliability they are known to just give up.
yea it does, but i mean at iasca or watever, arent there certain classes for certain subs and whatenot
Unregistered guest
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I dont care for metered comp's really, so i wouldnt know/care to know of. To me its a car, goto point a to point b, then when it takes 2hrs to get from b to a, you get an audio system, other wise its roadrage city. Last night on "Cribs" I saw... JL AudioBahn Kicker the cars where worth over 80,000$ but really had uhh what we call a "My Girlfriends System" 15,000$ rims yet they dont know what sounds good. = /