Hi guys, I'm new and hoping someone can help me. I've searched the site but couldn't find an exact answer.
I have an all-Alpine setup and I need to know how to best wire a MRD-M501 to a SWR-1241D. Do I have more than 1 option, can I run it at 2 or 4 ohms? Don't really know what I'm doing here so could use some input...
yeah thats right....and make sure ya start a new post with my name in it to let me know how it sounds..im really dying to know cause im going to be running the same thing but 2 12" 1241d's and 2 mrd m501's...im guessing your 1 12 is gonna f*ckin pound.
really?,,,i bought mine off ebay so no warranty...what amps were you running?..ive seen the 15's rated at 500rms with 1000watts to them and thye took it like a champ...but im definitely going to be careful but if they blow then i guess that just gives me a reason to get the 15's right lol...right now im trying to find someone with 2 type r 15's ..id like to trade my 2 12's and some cash for them...know anyone?..anyone know anyone?..lol
yeh.. it may have been faulty but i was beating the sh!t out of it with my gains set up a little and just blasting the thing lol mainly so i could exchange for the new type r's.. ive got one i could possibly sell its never been used
definitely...dual 4 or 2?...how much are you looking to get for it?..i also have some trades if your interested...get back to me either way trades or not cause im definitely interested....and could ya mail me some of them b.c. buds with it..lol