Ported Enclosure Help


Unregistered guest
Ive been researching on how to build ported enclosures and i know theres are round ported boxes and square ported boxes which do you think is better out of the 2?Also I have 2 JL Subs and I went to their website and looked at the sub enclosure reccomendations and they only have specs for round ports for the enclosures,how do I go about making a round port do I use 3/4"MDF or what?(2)by the port width and diameter specs means 2 ports right.

loud and low
Unregistered guest
lol the common matterial would be pvc pipe for a round port normally 4in diamiter. the formual is just make sure both the square and round port have the same front open surface area and volume. for a 4 in port the surface area would be 3.1416 x radius squared

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 1131
Registered: 12-2003

Unregistered guest
Hey Glass does these measurements sound right for 2 15"s Each Driver Fs is 21.8 Hertz

Depth:22.015 Height:18.5 Width:48

Square Port Size:Height:12 Width:3 Port Length:6.94 Tuning Frequency:20.43Hz

Unregistered guest
are u there

Silver Member
Username: Its_bacon12

Post Number: 152
Registered: 12-2003
oooh bad dont tune it to 20 hertz..., never tune a box to lower than it's Fs otherwise ur sub with roll off pretty bad...happened to me with a bandpass box...its sucky

Unregistered guest
Well the port Calcultor I used must be wrong it told me to tune it to 20 Hertz

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 1183
Registered: 12-2003
tuning the port to lower than the F2 of the sub will cause a loss of damping for the driver, and it can over-excurse, and damage the sub.
tune the box to about 34Hz and try that
besides, having the box most efficient at 20Hz is silly.
That's the lowest you can hear, and your roll off would be completely clipped by the amplifier's subsonic filtering at about 16-20Hz.
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