New member Username: Mr_keboAlbertville, Al USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Nov-04 | Hey guys I have a 99 Frontier single cab and i want all the bass i can possible get. Someone Recommended 4 RE 8's in a downfiring box. But im really not sure that will fit back behind the seat. Just wanted to see what some other guys recommend on here. Any recomendations are apreciated! |
Bronze Member Username: AvalanchePost Number: 18 Registered: Nov-04 | Well I had a single cab tacoma that I got alot of bass out of. I went with 2 Kicker Solobarics S10D subs. They dont make these subs any more but they only took .66 cubic feet per sub. and I got great sounds out of them. I did loose 2 notches on the seat moving up. But I did make the box out of 1 inch MDF. I would recomend finding the best sub that can fit in the smallest closed enclosure. But you have to remember the smaller the box. Usually you need to give the subs more power. versus a ported box. Something to think about. over all the box was 1.2 cubit feet once I was done with it. I will try to post of the picture of what I did soon so you can see what I am talking about. Get good subs though. to get the type of bass you are looking for. I also recommend you using Polyfoam to put in the box. It will help the subs get better sound. It kinda tricks them to think that they are in a bigger enclosure than what they are really in. the box was 1.2 cubic feet lenght wise of the cab. I did not loose to much space. It would have probably been alittle smaller if I would have used 3/4 inch MDF but I wanted the box to be rock hard because of the shape of it Rectangular. That is what I recommend. Oh Plus size to that is that you might be able to put your amp rack on top of the box. |
Bronze Member Username: SolacedagonyNew Jersey US Post Number: 47 Registered: Oct-04 | I have a 2003 Ford Ranger standard cab and I'm fitting a 12" X.X.X in it, could fit two if I really wanted to (Not enough cash for that though :X) I had to pull the passenger seat forward slightly, but it fit and that's all that matters! |
New member Username: Mr_keboAlbertville, Al USA Post Number: 3 Registered: Nov-04 | What do you guys reccomend for subs in small enclosures? Also Jake whats the mounting depth on the 12" X.X.X cause i would love to run one of those. |
New member Username: Mr_keboAlbertville, Al USA Post Number: 4 Registered: Nov-04 | BUMP |
New member Username: Mr_keboAlbertville, Al USA Post Number: 5 Registered: Nov-04 | Well, I decided to give these a try since im limited on room and really want to run 12's : Now all i need is some advice on an amp for those. I will be running 2 of them. |
Help2 Unregistered guest | Those subs are 4 ohm SVC. The specs say 500wRMS Id say dont run more than 300wRMS a piece They also ask for a 1.2 cf box, I hope you can facilitate that. I JBL bp600.1 would be a nice amp for those. |
Silver Member Username: DecdeCanada Post Number: 231 Registered: Sep-04 | jeez, i would touvh them if i we're you. You can find MUCH better. If u check, i think u can fit a 12'' shiva, their much better than kole. |
Bronze Member Username: SolacedagonyNew Jersey US Post Number: 50 Registered: Oct-04 | Yea you can probably get the Shivas cheaper, on top of better quality. |
New member Username: Mr_keboAlbertville, Al USA Post Number: 6 Registered: Nov-04 | I finnaly got a box built that fits behind my seats and it holds 2 12"s. Each chamber is 1.2cu ft and i have 61/2 of mounting depth. So now all i am looking for is a 2 12's and an amp to make them pound!! |
New member Username: Mr_keboAlbertville, Al USA Post Number: 7 Registered: Nov-04 | I also filled it with bout 50% polyfill |
New member Username: Mr_keboAlbertville, Al USA Post Number: 8 Registered: Nov-04 | I finnaly found some specs on the SHIVAS mounting depth of 5 1/8. Sealed: 25.5 liter with a Q of .95 Best suited for a car or a home application where space is critical. 54 liter with a Q of .707 Well suited for home theater movies as well as music applications. 88.5 liter with a Q of .6 for a tight, well defined audiophile bass output. Which one of those are close to the 1.2cu ft i have now with the box!! |
Bronze Member Username: 54danny54Post Number: 45 Registered: Nov-04 | use bazooka bass tubes...use about 2 or 3...they have good bass 4 little space |