SPL Sub (aka RE MT) in a Sealed Box, Improve Sound Quality?
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Is putting an RE MT 12" in a sealed box a good idea? I have it in a 1.25 cu ft. slot vented box and it is a little too loud for me now. I hoped to get a really loud subwoofer and the MT was the one. I am pushing it with a JBL BPx2200.1 Crown amp. Any suggestions on how to get optimum performance?? Thanx
Surprisingly yea. I think I'm getting old...lol. I used to be an SPL fanatic....now my ears just plain ring and now I get headaches! One more question......the MT seems to distort at really high volumes. The gains are set properly for sure, it is only 1/3 of the way up. Could this possibly be the result of a box that is too small? RE recommends at least 3 cubic feet vented and I have mine in a 1.25 cubic ft. subzone box. Any suggestions is appreciated.
I think that a sealed box would solve your problem. Either that or a vented box that was within mfg specs. Kinda wierd though that the gains are set right AND it distort at 1/3 volume. Has it been like this since day one or is this recent? Maybe you need a subsonic filter.
The MT is NOT a SQ sub at all. It is designed for SPL and SPL only. Ported is what they work best in and what they were designed for. Sealed may work, but not as good as a sub intended more for sealed/ported SQ applications. The X.X.X. would have served you better. The sub is distorting because of both the box and the fact that it isn't designed as much for high volume SQ and linearity, it's designed to have massive displacement.
Unregistered guest
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do you only have one? was looking into getting an RE MT where did u order it and how much was it?
Unregistered guest
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how is it distorting??? not smooth??? gets higher pitched???
Unregistered guest
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What I mean is that it distorts really easily at high volumes. I am aware that it is an extreme SPL sub and that is not supposed to have any SQ. But, here is the reason for my curiousity.....I had an Orion H2 12.2 sub and I had it in a 1 ft cubic sealed box. With this setup, the H2 bottomed out really easily and distorted sooo bad at high volumes! Then I put it in a subzone 1.25 cubic foot slot ported box and that basically solved my problem, no more bottoming out, no more distortion, and good SPL/SQ. Considering this, I am assuming that my 1.25 cubic ft. box is too SMALL for the RE MT. So, if I put it in a larger slot ported or sealed box, will it no longer distort as the case with the H2?
And by the way, I got the MT directly for RE. Just call them up and order it. They do not stock them though. If u order one, expect it 10 business days, 5 days to custom build it for u and 5 days to ship that monster!
Thanx for all ur help guys!
Unregistered guest
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oh and it is distorting, by getting higher pitched....barley noticeable, but if u listen carefully, u can hear it.
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ok thanx for the ordering tips...hoping to get one(or two)...lol(love the loudness!!!)
Unregistered guest
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if u buy two and power them properly, u'll be selling one...lol (hearing aid) RE told me over the phone that a single 12" MT does 20,000 watt burps at comps and hits around 170db!
Unregistered guest
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if u buy two and power them properly and have them in the right enclosure, u'll be selling one...lol (hearing aid) RE told me over the phone that a single 12" MT does 20,000 watt burps at comps and hits around 170db! RE also claims that it sounds pretty good for what it is (Pure SPL SUB), but is not in the class of the Triple X, Brahma, W7, or H2. (hehe...I tried to trick them, it didn't work!)
jayjay stop talking about the MT... they have whorable SQ and you must put them in a ported box and ther just not a good daily driver sub unless your going to comp. GET A X.XX AND STOP BRAGGING ABOUT THE MT!
have you ever heard the mt audionoob? i heard one for the first time last week, they dont have horrible sq, but if your looking for a sub to play a variety of music this isnt your application, they can be ran as a daily driver with appropriate power and enclosure, email re, they will give an idea for a daily driver setup jayjay