My 12" brahma makes a "tapping" sound???HELP!


i have a brahma 12" sub, it sounds good...really good. but at higher volumes w/ hard hits it sometimes makes a tapping sound, what is going on? i know it cant be good.


Silver Member
Username: Audiobahn_man

Freakmont, MI

Post Number: 142
Registered: Aug-04
Is it when its at xmax or close to it, because that might be the voice coail hitting the end magnet which is not good at all!

Silver Member
Username: Fishy

Tamarac, FL USA

Post Number: 292
Registered: Sep-04
Yeah sounds like its either bottoming out(past Xmech) or maybe "rubbing" due to voice coil misallignment.

Are brahma's particularly susceptible to tinsel lead slap or whatever thats called? :P



from what you say, i think my sub is "rubbing"...cause i watched a vid of an brahma and it was moving more than mine...and in the vid i didnt hear the tapping that my sub makes...

what should i do? send it back to Adire???

Bronze Member
Username: Loudnobnoxious

Post Number: 65
Registered: Jul-04
they fixed the lead slap and dustcaps coming off back in the day.

THIS is why you get an X*X*X from RE. Paid for the design but make a better product!

Silver Member
Username: Fishy

Tamarac, FL USA

Post Number: 301
Registered: Sep-04
lol @ Chief

Do W7's ever break?

I think an array of 3 8W7's would look neat, but do they sound good? and would 330 watts to each off a Xtant 1001dx be too much?

Guess I should really start my own thread.



Silver Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 813
Registered: Jun-04
fishy according to jls chart you should be right outside the danger zone eights arent the best of pounders but you dont seem to be the bass head type anyway from your music posts on another thread (hehe)

heres the chart

Gold Member
Username: Jonathan_f


Post Number: 2045
Registered: May-04
W7s are susceptible to their share of problems as well. Surrounds problems, cone failure due to design or manufacture, of course the occasional burnt voice coil b/c of misuse. These don't happen very often, but happen nonetheless, surround being the most common. They don't seem to have as many problems w/ voice coil misalignment as some others, but they also don't have as tight of a gap as other comparable subs, and are also a long gap, long voice coil design. I like the X.X.X. better than the Brahma as well. Stronger cone, more motor, more excursion, I actually like the SQ a little better.
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