Now the Adire Brahma 15' can handle up to 1600rms max with the right setup and box. Say i got the right setup and box. With this Rockford Fosgate Punch 800a2 amp thats 200rms x 2 channels @ 4 ohms OR 400rms x 2 channels @ 2 ohms. Do you think this amp can make this sub hit hard.
200 x 2 watts rms 4 ohms with less than .05% thd from 20-20KHz
400 x 2 watts rms 2 ohms with less than .10% thd from 20-2-KHz
Im not good at configuring amps so is there a way i can configure the amp to get the max out of it for the sub?
Thanks for your help. I appreciate it.
Unregistered guest
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seriously doubt it
Unregistered guest
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that is a thermal rating u can put less than 1600 on it and it reach full excusion but im not sure the best range of watts to put on it prolly at least 800 but im guessin
800 would be fine, but clipping will be come a concern when u start to turn it up, put atleast 1100 watts into it, look into the hifonics brutus 1500d, a really good match for the brahama, i beileve ikeaudio sells the amp for 260
I also have a phoenix gold amp thats rated at 1000watts. I dont have the specifics but im guessing it might be somewhere around maybe 500rms x 2 channels MAYBE. Just a guess. But the amp is powerful. I just wish i had the specifics on it. If i bridge these two amps together it should give the sub enough power right?
Posted on
bad things WILL
seriously, dont "bridge" the two amps just doesnt work that way.
if that PG amp is 1000rms...i'd use it.
the brahma will do pretty good w/ 800wrms. in fact on the adire audio site it says that the Brahma 15" will reach xmax @ 800wrms in a 2.85 cu ft sealed box. if you were your, i'd go w/ a ported box though, they can put out a little more SPL.
i ran the brahma 15 in WinISD (a speaker progam), and in a 4 cu ft box tuned to 30hz the brhama 15" will be just under linear Xmax @ 800wrms in just such a box would be fine.