Home theater help


New member
Username: Bp11139

Post Number: 3
Registered: Mar-05
Ok so here is the deal.. I am currently remodeling my house and the loft is going to be the entertainment room. I really want to get a good home theater system. I need help fast because the contractor is almost done with the loft and i want to get going and done with it all so I can get started with a different room.

I was looking in getting a 7.1 system. I mean it sounds better than a 6.1, if anyone could give me some advantages an disadvantages between the two.

I want a good system that will sound good but more importantly give me the feeling of like I am in the movie. Know what i mean? Yet i dont need a expensive system that I read an see that most people have on here. I'm looking for a happy medium.

So with this all said I've been looking at the Sony 7.1 reciever STRDE997B. I know it gives 120 watts per channel and thats all i need. Any one can give some outlook on this for me? Anything is much appreciated.
Next the most important are the speakers. I've also been looking at a sony speaker system to purchase. its a 7.1 system, the Sony SA-VE367T. Each speaker handles up to 135 watts. Same with the sub.

Could anyone please give me some tips an pointers on this ASAP. I appreciate it so much. I am not to sure on much of anything. Maybe everything I am looking at is crap. But keep in mind im not going for the best. Just not the worst.

All together this system will be around 840 watts. Thats pretty good right? I mean i see all these home theater in a box only go up to like the highest of 600 watts. Also is the sub a decent one? I just want something that will bump.

Lastely my budget I am looking at is at most around like 600-700$ I just need speakers and a receiver. PLease help... thanks!
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